Qualifying for the role of a superhero doppelgänger requires more than just having the same powers as another character, and more than just a similar costume design. Superhero doppelgängers – or "twins", if you prefer – are the characters who have so many powers, background stories, visual similarities, and general motifs in common that it's almost like one character has been split in two, and both halves of him/her happen to coexist within parallel universes.
10.Green Arrow and Hawkeye
What makes them twins? Two superheroes, both of whom have a bow and arrow as their primary weapon against legions of criminals, mobsters, robots, and aliens? Pretty distinctive feature. Add in the fact that both of them are cocky, self-assured, and blond, and, well, come on now. Not to mention that both of them have been known to use so-called "trick arrows," which tend to involve such strange things as boxing gloves.
Who they are: Green Arrow, now most famous as the star of the CW series Arrow, is Oliver Queen, a billionaire playboy who, after being stranded on an island at sea, came back as an arrow-slinging vigilante. Hawkeye, of course, is Clint Barton, the resident wisecracking sharpshooter of the Avengers.
Who came first? When one thinks about it, it's kind of strange that both the Avengers and the Justice League have archers, isn't it? But both of them are terrific characters with loads of great stories, so it works out. Green Arrow arrived first, premiering all the way back in 1941. Though he was originally little more than a Robin Hood-themed Batman knockoff, the character truly came into his own when Denny O'Neil and Neal Adams recreated him as a liberal crusader in the 1970s, and he then took a darker turn with the 1980s limited series Longbow Hunters, by Mike Grell. Hawkeye is now most famous for his appearances in the Avengers movies—particularly the second one, where he managed to nab most of the best scenes.
9.Flash and Quicksilver
What makes them twins? Super speed is a power that many characters possess, but these two are particularly focused on the whole running aspect of it. Both have a lightning bolt motif, and both are the central speedsters of their respective universes.
Who they are: Many people have assumed the identity of the Flash, but the most famous ones have been Barry Allen and Wally West, who at different times have raced around their respective cities, facing off against a truly distinctive rogues gallery. Quicksilver, brother of Scarlet Witch and son of the infamous mutant terrorist Magneto, began his career as a villain and grew to become one of the classic Avengers. Due to their ties to both the Avengers and X-Men mythologies, these two are the only characters to cross over between both movie franchises.
Who came first? The Flash, of course, though the Flash that premiered in the 1940s was actually a character named Jay Garrick, whereas Barry Allen didn't appear until over a decade later. Interestingly, Quicksilver wasn't Marvel's first Flash twin. That honor belongs to a bizarre, yellow jump-suited character named "the Whizzer," created in 1941, whose super-speed abilities were the result of an emergency transfusion of mongoose blood. Not an experiment to duplicate at home, kids.
8.Man-Thing and Swamp Thing
What makes them twins? Heroic monsters who live in swamps, and whose bodies are composed of the swamp itself. Both have served as the inspiration for low budget B-movies. Both were also scientists at one point, back before the whole, uh…swamp-monster-thing.
Who they are: Once a promising young biochemist named Ted Sallis, an experimental super soldier formula transformed him into the slow-moving plant creature known only as Man-Thing. Now he protects the Nexus of All Realities, hidden inside a swamp within the Florida Everglades. DC's Swamp Thing was botanist Alec Holland, who became an avatar of the Green following his death in a swamp. Now, he is a humanoid construction of vegetable matter who fights for his home and the environment.
他们是谁?特德·萨利斯曾经是一个有为的年轻生物学家,一种实验性的"超级战士血清"把他变成了一个行动迟缓的植物生物,也就是大家熟知的类人体。现在他在保护Nexus of All Realities,这个地方坐落于福罗里达州的一个沼泽的中心。在DC漫画里沼泽怪是一个叫亚力克荷兰的植物学家,他死在沼泽里之后就成了绿色的水怪。现在,他是一个具有人型的植物物质,保护他的家园和环境。
Who came first? Actually, interestingly enough, both were created at the same time. Though Man-Thing did premiere two months before his twin, both were developed simultaneously. However, the two characters do owe a debt to an earlier character, the Heap, who predated them.
谁先出现?事实上,有趣的是,他们是同时被创造出来的。尽管类人体的确比他的双胞胎弟弟早两个月公映,但是他们是同时被创作出来的。然而,这两个人物都得益于一个更早期的角色–the Heap,他比他们更早诞生。
7.Black Cat and Catwoman
What makes them twins? Antihero femme fatales with a feline theme, each one attached to their publisher's most popular hero; Catwoman haunting Batman, and Black Cat with Spider-Man.
Who they are: Catwoman is Selina Kyle, who has been both a whip-wielding thief and a heroic vigilante, depending on what mood suits her (and who is writing her). Though originally conceived as a Batman villain, Catwoman has grown to become a fan-favorite protagonist in her own right. Black Cat is Felicia Hardy, one of Peter Parker's most significant romantic interests, as well as being his partner-in-crime-fighting for a period of time.
Who came first? Catwoman has been lurking around since Batman #1 in 1940, whereas Black Cat didn't sink her claws into the webhead until 1979.
6.Namor and Aquaman
What makes them twins? Both of them live under the sea. Both are the kings of Atlantis. Both of them breathe underwater and telepathically communicate with sea life. Need we say more?
Who they are: Namor, the Sub-Mariner, is the son of a human man and an Atlantean woman, though his loyalties have always sided with Atlantis. Many times, Namor has waged war against the surface world, riding on a thin line between antihero and villain. Aquaman, when he's not getting his hand torn off and replaced by a hook, is a bit less angry—though not much.
Who came first? Though most people would be quick to say Aquaman, it's actually Namor who holds the official title of first underwater superhero. In addition, the Sub-Mariner is actually the first Marvel Comics character, making his first appearance back in 1939.
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