5.Cock Shying
Cock-shying, also known as "cock throwing," was a blood sport practiced throughout most of England up until the 18th century. If you're looking at the name and thinking this was a cruel game wherein people threw a rooster as far as they could relax, it's not that.
"扔公鸡"的另一种英文写法为cock throwing,是一项凶残的运动,英国大部分地区直到18世纪都十分流行。你看到这个名字也许会自动脑补人们残忍地把公鸡像铅球一样扔得老远的画面。放心,事实没那么简单。
Actually, people threw things at the rooster until they killed it. Specifically, they threw weighted sticks called "coksteles." Lacking a cokstele, regular cudgels would do. This tradition was associated for centuries with Shrove Tuesday (aka Pancake Day, the last day before Lent). However, cock-shying was frequently practiced at pubs just for the fun of it—and for the chance of winning a rooster. The bird would be taken outside and tied to a post with a few feet of freedom so it could evade incoming sticks. Players would throw their coksteles at the rooster, and spectators would bet on the outcome. If a player hit the rooster without killing it, he was allowed to try to grab the dazed bird before it recovered. If he succeeded, he could take it home. As with eel pulling, there was an attempt to ban cock-shying that also went poorly. In 1660, on the day before Shrove Tuesday, the practice was banned in Bristol. The next day, a riot broke out. The rioters threw dogs and cats at the mayor's house in protest.
Unlike most other entries on this list, stoolball is a sport that is still occasionally played in small areas of southeast England. Its origins trace back to the 14th century in Sussex. Some historians see it as an ancestor of both cricket and baseball while others point out that stoolball was the first bat-and-ball game played in North America in Plymouth, 1621.
The modern game of stoolball is only a best-guess version of the ancient game. There is no definitive historical evidence of how it was played in the past. Also, being a folk game that was open to both men and women, it is likely that the rules were changed from region to region. Players hit a ball using a bat and then run between stools to score. The bat is a wooden paddle with a short handle and an oval shape, and the stools play the role of wickets in cricket. There was a time when stoolball was popular enough to make its way into Shakespeare's The Two Noble Kinsmen. In 1927, there were over 1,000 stoolball clubs around the world. In his account of his experiences as a prisoner of war during World War II, Pat Reid described a game called stoolball being played by the prisoners at Colditz. However, the name was purely coincidental and had nothing to do with the historical sport.
Episkyros was a simple ball game played by the ancient Greeks. However, it was not intended for serious athletes. The Greeks considered athletic pursuits among the most worthwhile and held all sportsmen in high regard. Episkyros was a game meant for everybody else. Old people, women, and children were all free to enjoy this game.
Two teams of equal members stood opposite each other, and a line—the skuros—was drawn between. Two more lines were drawn behind each team. One team then threw the ball over the other and tried to advance as their opponents recovered. The second team grabbed the ball and threw it back, trying to make up any lost ground and push the other players back. The winners were the first team to completely push the other side over the line that was originally behind them. Basically, a few agile players would attempt to catch the ball while the rest of the team worked together to push the opponents back, so it was similar to modern rugby or American football. Episkyros was particularly popular in Sparta, where it was expected for children and women to take part in athletic displays. It later inspired a more physical Roman game called harpastum.
2.Fox Tossing
Back during the 17th and 18th centuries, when Europe's aristocracy wasn't busy hunting foxes, they were flinging them into the air in a game known simply as "fox tossing." It was typically reserved for the upper classes and was usually performed at big events because fox tossing required a lot of preparation, a large enclosed area, and dozens if not hundreds of animals.
The game was played in pairs. Each member of a team would hold the end of a sling lying on the ground. Foxes would be let loose in the enclosure. When one ran over the sling, both players pulled hard in order to throw the fox into the air. The winner was the team that achieved the greatest height. The reported record for this practice was 7.5 meters. Don't let the name fool you. Foxes were not the only unwilling participants in this game. Other critters were happily used when foxes were not available. In fact, at a famous fox tossing event held in Dresden, almost 700 foxes were used along with over 500 hares, 34 badgers, 34 wild boars, 21 wild cats, and three wolves. The sport was often dangerous for all involved because the scared animals would attack the players.
1.Dwile Flonking
Like stoolball, dwile flonking is still practiced in remote areas of the English countryside. The origins of dwile flonking are a bit murky. Flonking enthusiasts proudly claim this practice dates back to medieval times, originating during the Suffolk harvests 400 years ago, but that seems very unlikely. Others claim it is a far more recent invention of the 1960s and a matter of town pride.
Its future is looking just as murky. This traditional pub sport has been banned in several areas for violating health and safety regulations. As you would expect with any pub game, dwile flonking involves drinking, a lot of drinking. It also involves two teams trying to fling a beer-soaked cloth, or "dwile," at each other's heads. After a sugar beet is tossed to see who goes first, one player holds a pole with the dwile on it, or "driveller," while the other team dances in a circle around him, which they call "girting." He must hit one of the players with the dwile. If he misses, the player is called a "swodger." While the opposing team forms a straight line, he must then down a pot of beer before the dwile gets passed from player to player down the line. There's also a point system, but most participants are too drunk by the end of the game to care who won.
翻译:彼得潘、小飞侠 来源:前十网