One is the suave servant of Her Majesty’sgovernment. The other is a brute assassin, the rogue employee of a now defunctagency of the FBI.
One prances around in a bespoke dinnersuit, custom underwear by Sunspel and La Perla swimming togs. The other wears aholey sludge-coloured fisherman’s sweater and the kind of schlumpy outerwearseen on teenage French exchange students. One has an arsenal of turbochargedvehicles and technical gizmos at his disposal, the kind of gadgets that canfire laser beams or emit piercing loud noises when needs arise. The other isreally good at reading maps.
前一个气宇轩昂,穿着定制的晚礼服,Sunspel的定制内衣以及La Perla的泳衣。后一个穿着土黄色的镂空渔夫衫,以及那种常在法国青少年交换生身上看到的邋遢外套。一个拥有涡轮增压汽车和各种技术装备——那种在需要时可以发射激光或者发出刺耳噪音的设备。另一个在看地图方面确有特长。
Only one of these men is even remotelystylish. And it isn’t the one driving an Aston Martin. An anti-hero hero for a modernage, Jason Bourne leaves James Bond in the shade.
这两人当中只有一人更时尚一些。而他并不是驾驶阿斯顿•马丁(Aston Martin)的那位。作为现代社会的“反英雄”英雄,杰森•伯恩(Jason Bourne)的风头胜过了詹姆斯•邦德(James Bond)。
Matt Damon, the 45-year-old actor who playshim, summed up the difference between the two men in a recent interview. “Bondis a misogynist who likes swilling martinis and killing people and then tellingjokes about it. Jason Bourne is a serial monogamist —he’s torturedby the things he’s done and feels empathy and compassion for other people. And Bournewould obviously win in a fight!”Obviously.
今年45岁的伯恩扮演者马特•达蒙(Matt Damon)在最近的一场采访中总结了两人的不同。“邦德是一个厌女者,喜欢畅饮马丁尼和杀人,随后就此开玩笑。杰森•伯恩是连环的感情专一者——过往作为使他内心饱受煎熬,他对别人抱有同理心和同情心。伯恩显然会更胜一筹。”显然会。
Jason Bourne, the new instalment of theRobert Ludlum-based thriller series, debuts onscreen on July 27. And I, forone, am counting the hours until his arrival. It’s been 12 long years since welast saw him, floating around in the Hudson River. During that time hiscinematic rival 007 has been recast, rebooted and retired again, while Bournehas remained deep undercover. Arguably he was keeping scarce until all memoriesof the ghastly Bourne Legacy, a horrific attempt to sabotage his reputation andrebrand the franchise in 2012, were fully erased. Unlike Bond, who shapeshiftswith ease, the actor who plays Bourne has proven stubbornly irreplaceable.
根据罗伯特•勒德拉姆(Robert Ludlum)所著惊悚系列小说改编的最新杰森•伯恩影片将于7月27日首映。就我而言,我焦急地盼着该片上映。自我们上次看到他(最后一个镜头是他在哈德逊河漂流)已有12年之久了。在此期间,伯恩在荧幕上的对手007被改编、重启,然后再次引退,而伯恩依然深藏不出。可以说,他一直被雪藏,是为了等着让关于《谍影重重4:伯恩的遗产》(The Bourne Legacy)的所有记忆完全消失——《伯恩的遗产》是2012年重塑伯恩系列影片品牌的糟糕尝试,败坏了伯恩的名声。与可以轻松替换演员的邦德不同,事实证明扮演伯恩的演员难以换人。
He returns a changed man, to a changedworld. According to Damon, this Bourne outing will find him “rolling around inthe detritus of modern-day capitalism”. He’s now older and freakishly muscular:on-set images and trailer footage have found him as ripped as a cage wrestler.His expression has hardened as well. Gone is the youthful naivety ofyesteryear; today his features are carved with knowing. “I remembereverything now,”he growls.
But he still makes me swoon. It’sincurable: I’m Damonted, Bourne again and Matt about the boy. Always have been.Always will be. For my money, Bourne is the greatest cinematic action herosince Steve McQueen in Papillon (1973), or Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry(1971). He’s stylish without being showy. Brainy without being boorish. He’snot vain: in fact, he’s always seemed vaguely repelled by his own reflection.His style expresses nothing other than a desire to remain invisible — dark,anonymous tops, bomber jackets, military boots.
但他仍让我迷恋。这无可救药:马特扮演的伯恩让我神魂颠倒,难以自拔。向来如此,将来也会如此。在我看来,伯恩是自1973年《巴比龙》(Papillon)中的史蒂夫•麦奎因(Steve McQueen)或者1971年《紧急追捕令》(Dirty Harry)中的克林特•伊斯特伍德(Clint Eastwood)以来最伟大的动作片英雄。他时尚而不张扬,聪明而不粗鲁,他不慕虚荣:实际上,他似乎总是隐隐感到内疚。他的风格表达了不想引起注意的愿望——暗色、无牌的上衣、飞行员夹克、军靴。
But what I adore about him is that thismost alpha of males doesn’t act at all alpha. He doesn’t posture, or preen, orspend time fetishising firearms or sexually harassing women. He just does it.No fancy getaway car? He’ll make do with a stolen Ford Mondeo or an old banger.He might occasionally insist on driving: but only when your life is actually indanger.
但我钦佩他的地方是,这个最“阿尔法”的男子做事一点也不“阿尔法”。他从不故作姿态或者顾盼自雄,也不花时间摆弄枪械或者性骚扰妇女。没有高级的逃亡汽车?他会凑合着使用偷来的福特蒙迪欧(Ford Mondeo)或者更为老旧的汽车。他偶尔也会坚持自己驾驶:但只有在生命真的处于危险之中时才会这么做。
Bourne doesn’t do tricksy. Orcute. And while he may lack Bond’s queasy bonhomie, he can still drop a great one-liner (“Get somerest Pam. You look tired”).
Better still, his heroics are bound up inhilariously prosaic acts of behaviour: an ordinary bloke, trapped in a bionicbody. Who would have thought, for example, that checking out the emergencyexits on entering a bank would be a great mark of manliness? Or that taking amoment to inspect the timetable on arrival at Kievsky train station would allowyou to perfectly time your aerial leap from a moving train on to a passingferry?
His is a uniquely nerdy machismo. WhileBond prats about with poisoned cocktails and exotic paraphernalia, Bournestudies the small print, which makes him inestimably cool. (Truly cool peopledon’t identify themselves as such.)
For me, the most thrilling moments in aBourne film are those when he might be, say, limping through a Russian shoppingmall having been shot in the arm and noticing that, yes he did remember to graba floor plan off the wall to better speed his navigation. His pedantry is hisperfection. And oddly aspirational: Bourne persuades us that if only we paid alittle more attention (and had the benefit of a military brainwashing,photographic memory, iron strength and fluency in several languages), we toocould be invincible.
Of course the new film may change all that.Bourne may be reborn an action hero of the old-school, all pomp and pump-actionshotguns. The temptation to soup up the explosions and dial down the moremundane details of his expertise may have been too great for director PaulGreengrass, who returns to direct and produce the film with Damon. Some havehinted that my idol has evolved into a more predictable action hero. With allthe designer trappings.
当然,新电影可能改变这一切。伯恩可能重生为一个守旧的动作英雄,炫耀式地拿着霰弹枪。导演保罗•格林格拉斯(Paul Greengrass)可能会忍不住增加爆炸场面,同时减少展示伯恩更为平凡和细腻的技能——他再度导演这部影片,并和达蒙一起担任制片人。一些人暗示,我的偶像已演变为更可预测的动作片明星,具备所有的设计师名牌。
I really hope not. I adore Bourne for hisgeeky pragmatism. Newly pumped up, and mentally cognisant, it’s possiblehe may have finally learnt, like his narcissistic counterpart, to love himself.And that would be a tragedy.