There's no 'Blank Space' in Taylor Swift's bank account.
The singer-songwriter tops Forbes' annual list of the 100 highest-paid celebrities with $170 million. The 'Shake It Off' crooner's star-studded '1989 World Tour' earned more than $200 million last year.
在福布斯公布的年收入最高的前100名艺人中,身兼歌手和作曲家的霉霉以1.7亿美元高居榜首。去年,她凭借《Shake It Off》和《1989世界巡回演出》狂赚2亿多美元。
Swift is ahead of fellow chart-topping pop stars Adele at No. 9 with $80.5 million, Madonna at No. 12 with $76.5 million, Rihanna at No. 13 with $75 million and Katy Perry at No. 63 with $41 million.
Swift's ex Calvin Harris, is at #21 with $63million. Current beau Tom, right, didn't make the list
Other top 10 earners included boy band One Direction at No. 2 with $110 million, actor-comedian Kevin Hart at No. 6 with $87.5 million and self-proclaimed 'king of media' Howard Stern at No. 7 with $85 million.
Kim Kardashian is featured on the magazine's cover. She's No. 42 on the list with $51 million. Forbes says 40 percent of her paycheck this year came from her mobile game 'Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.'
The game's maker, Glu Mobile, is scheduled to release an app starring Swift next year.
这款游戏的制作者Glu Mobile公司预定将于明年发布一款以斯威夫特为主角的游戏应用。
Beyonce and Jay Z are this year's highest-paid celebrity couple, with $107.5 million over the past year. The other couple both on the list are Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen with a combined $74.5 million.
碧昂斯和Jay Z是今年收入最高的艺人夫妻,共赚了1.075亿美元。汤姆·布拉迪和吉赛尔·邦辰夫妻二人也在这份榜单上,共赚了7450万美元。