10.Ian McKellan Almost Quit Acting During Filming
While The Lord of the Rings trilogy did certainly make use of special effects, it also received praise for the large amount of work done using more traditional means, as well. However, due to many different technical limitations based on the story he was doing this time, as well as the age of the actors in question, Peter Jackson used a fair bit more CGI in his screen adaptation of The Hobbit. In particular, telling the tale of The Hobbit requires regularly showing 13 dwarves on screen, interacting with other people who often tend to be either way shorter — or more often than not — way taller. Due to obvious limitations in casting, using actors who already fit the right size profile would have been a likely insurmountable hurdle.
To deal with this, Peter Jackson used regular sized actors for the dwarves, but had to get a little creative when filming them with Gandalf — because of the height difference between the characters. This meant that Ian McKellan had to film his scenes in front of a green screen, without talking to the dwarves, or anyone at all for reference. He had a terrible time during the early days of the shoot, and considered quitting the film and acting altogether — he felt that perhaps he should step aside from the profession if he couldn't meet the modern day demands. Fortunately for LOTR fans, McKellan managed to make it through filming, and still delivered a stellar performance as Gandalf.
9.It Was Almost Directed By Guillermo Del Toro
Many people don't realize that The Hobbit was nearly an entirely different movie. To begin with, the plan was first to make it just two movies, and the director was going to be Guillermo Del Toro of Pan's Labyrinth fame. While it's hard to say for certain how they would have turned out, it is likely Del Toro would not have spent as much time deviating from the source material, and the overall feel would certainly have been different. Of course, this is not something that Peter Jackson had any problem with — Del Toro directing The Hobbit was originally Jackson's idea — the problem was actually with MGM, the studio in charge of producing the film at the time.
The studio was having financial difficulties, and the film kept getting delayed over and over, which is what led to Del Toro's departure from the helm of the project. While we may wonder what the films would have been like with him in charge, he still had a very big influence on the final product. He spent two years working on ideas for the films before he quit, and he still helped co-write the entire series, so it is likely many of his ideas made it into the final product.
8.Tauriel The Made Up Female Elf
Some fans of the series have been more than a little upset at the inclusion of a female elf character named Tauriel that appears in the screen adaptation of The Hobbit. Many fans are okay with a large number of liberties that Peter Jackson takes, mainly because much of it is in the Silmarillion, or at least somewhere in the Lord of the Rings mythology. However, what has many of the fans hopping mad is that Tauriel literally never existed in any of the lore — Peter Jackson admits openly to completely making her up for the film. People have also criticized the dwarf-elf romance angle, much for the same reason — it never happened.
Of course, while it wasn't in the book, Peter Jackson does have a defense for why he included her and his reasoning is fairly strong. In the novel the dwarves do run into the wood elves, and they are imprisoned for a time under the orders of the elf king. Thranduil. Legolas himself is not mentioned in The Hobbit, because Tolkien had not invented him yet, but he is the son of Thranduil and so his inclusion is completely understandable. Peter Jackson explained that he wanted to flesh out the storyline involving the wood elves, but he needed at least three elven characters for a full story arc. He decided that the film didn't have any strong female characters – apart from a brief scene with Galadriel — and created a new wood elf to drive the story along more smoothly.
7.Battle Fatigue
While those who like action movies often feel put off when they enter a theater and find that the exciting trailer disguised a movie that was more exposition than anything else, the final installment in The Hobbit trilogy is almost exactly the opposite. In fact, the movie has an incredible amount of action, with the last forty five minutes of the film essentially amounting to one gigantic battle scene. This is not something that film audiences or directors usually tend to deal with, if for no other reason than that huge battle sequences tend to be very expensive to film. In order to avoid something that Peter Jackson referred to as "battle fatigue" he decided that they should not do more than two to three shots of anonymous people before focusing the camera once again on the named characters. It was his hope that by keeping focused on the main characters, that people would sustain their interest throughout the entire sequence.
6.Charges Of Animal Cruelty
If you stick around to watch the credits, you will often see a message from the American Humane Association stating that they monitored a film, and didn't see any animals hurt during filming, if the film used live animals in filming. However, despite the best efforts of watchdog groups, there are still incidents of animal deaths, many of which go unreported. In recent years there have been several cases where animals faced serious danger during filming, and the movie went on to critical acclaim regardless. During the filming of Life of Pi, a tiger nearly drowned. While many people may not be particularly bothered if the animal ended up okay, the attitude of the watchers is troubling.
It turns out that the person who helped smooth the incident over the most was the actual representative who was watching the whole thing happen. It turns out that dismissive behavior from the American Humane Association is fairly common. During the filming of The Hobbit, some reports say 27 animals died of various complications including dehydration and drowning. When someone blew the whistle and informed the AHA, they were told that despite being able to physically locate the bodies of the animals, that if the deaths didn't actually happen on the set, there really wasn't anything they could do. To get around the fact that there were animal deaths — just not onscreen — the AHA crafted a statement filled with weasel words that essentially said there were no animal deaths or injuries during filming.
翻译:bansu 来源:前十网