This season's must-have make-up trend has quite literally come out of the blue. Sarah Young investigates the beauty industry's renewed love for a nostalgic favourite
这一季度“必备彩妆”的趋势已然在很大程度上以蓝色为主色调 。萨拉•杨,针对美容界对这个曾经受到广泛喜爱的过时元素又重新燃起了热情这一现象,进行了调查 。
Colour is making a comeback and if the spring runways are anything to go by a stand-out blue wash is the only colour to wear on your eyes this season. While the vast majority of us haven’t dabbled with the shade since the bygone days of dance recitals it seems to be making a mighty return to our make-up rotation. The vogue for blue eye make-up brings with it a sense of nostalgia but a coming of age contends that more contemporary hues of cobalt, sapphire and aquamarine are worthy of your devotion and it doesn’t stop there.
彩妆正在强势归来,如果形形色色的设计都如走马观花似的出现在春季系列的T台上,那么脱颖而出的水洗蓝将是本季唯一一个能够涂抹在眼睛上的颜色 。虽然我们中的大多数都还没有尝试过用水洗蓝作眼影,但是这样的妆容似乎正在时尚彩妆不断更替的浪潮中强势回归 。伴随蓝色眼妆的时尚风潮而来的,是一种怀旧的感觉,但是也有人争论说更具现代气息的钴蓝色、蓝宝石色和海蓝色才是值得青睐的 。各方争论仍在继续 。
There’s much more to oceanic eyes than a painterly swathe of shadow this time round, granting Missoni opted for a wash of colour on the lids but a far more novel approach to this beauty riposte meant a densely pigmented shade of cobalt blue spoke for itself. Likewise, Diane Von Furstenberg and Roksanda chose to apprise classic shadow by creating a retro smoky eye in shimmering hues of mermaid-esque teal.
这一次,对于海洋系眼妆来说,不再是只需要画出一条彩色眼影来那么简单了,米索尼选择在眼睑处用一种水洗颜色上妆,但是这一复古美可以变得更加新颖——即只选择浓密的钴蓝色眼影作为眼妆 。同样,黛安•冯芙丝汀宝和洛克山达也选择通过创造美人鱼式的闪亮蓝绿色调的复古烟熏眼妆,来向传统的眼影样式靠拢 。
According to the spring/summer 2016 shows though, there are far more innovative ways to experiment with the shade; it’s time to toss your preconceived notions of eyeliner and mascara aside and make way for a seriously graphic gaze. At Jonathan Saunders and Boss black eyeliner was replaced with a slick of azure very close to the lash line and while Boss opted for a super-neat cat eye, Saunders ringed the entire eye with slightly smudged liner. Eccentricity is nothing new to Mary Katrantzou so it’s hardly surprising that her offering posed an entirely unique take on blue beauty; ocean-blue, spidery lashes adorned the centre portion of the model’s eye for a vivid but entirely wearable version of the Twiggy lash.
虽然从2016年春夏季T台秀的情况来看,人们对眼影可以做出更多创新性的尝试 。但是也是时候把诸位在眼线膏和睫毛膏方面先入为主的的想法扔在一边了,需要重新思考其真正的意义和用途 。在乔纳森•桑德尔斯和铂斯的设计中,黑色眼线被一条非常贴近眼线的天蓝色细线所替代 。桑德尔斯在整个眼睛周围都画上了有淡淡晕染效果的眼线,而铂斯则选择了用特别整齐的眼线来画出猫眼的效果 。玛丽•卡特兰佐的古怪风格对大家来说已不是什么新鲜事,所以她对蓝色有着完全不同的审美也不足为奇 。为了眼妆的生动效果,她用海洋蓝和细长的睫毛来装饰模特眼睛的中心部分,而不是像特薇吉那样全部都粘上假睫毛 。
The lover of no-make-up make-up need not fear though as this is a trend that works best with fresh skin and a barely-there base; simply opt for a metallic cream shadow and adopt a less is more approach to liner and mascara for a more subtle look. But for those of you who are keen to experiment it’s quite literally blue sky thinking.
但是裸妆爱好者也不必担心他们的妆容,因为这种趋势是最适合裸妆群体和只打一层轻薄底妆的人的 。为了打造一个更自然的妆容,可以仅在更靠近眼线和睫毛膏的地方,涂一点点金属色的霜状眼影 。但是对于诸位这些热衷尝试的人来说,这简直就是天马行空的思维 。