“Be sure to study hard for that test!”
How many times have you heard that? But what does it even mean to study hard? Do you have to study until your head hurts? It sounds like it!
The whole idea of studying harder suggests that you really don’t try very hard as a normal practice, and that is probably not true. So instead of studying harder for better results, you can study smarter, and there is good news: it won’t give you a headache.
How to Study Smarter
There are a few adjustments you can make to your normal study routine to make the most of your time and effort. These adjustments are based on a few scientific discoveries about learning.
We learn over time with repetition.
We learn from active experience.
We learn through comparison.
We learn by testing ourselves.
Time and Repetition
Some studies on brain science have shown that the practice of revisiting information enhances learning. In other words, it is a good idea to study material more than one time, over a period of days.
To study smarter, then, you should start your study session a few days ahead of time and study a few hours, walk away from the material, and study the same material again a few days later.
Learn Through Experience
There are indications that our brains love to make associations or “connections” when we read or observe something new. It seems that the more we enhance the experience as we read, the more we may retain.