Many people can't wake up without a cup of black coffee in the morning, while others have a cup of joe to keep themselves from nodding off in the middle of a work day. We have all heard about the disadvantages of drinking coffee on a regular basis, but the science says the otherwise. Unless you have 5 cups each day, coffee can significantly improve your overall health. Whether you are a coffee lover or a tea junkie, you will love the following three scientifically proven reasons to drink organic coffee regularly:
很多人早上起床都会依靠喝一杯黑咖啡让自己变得清醒,也有一些人在工作日的中午喝一杯咖啡为的是让自己不犯困 。我们都听说过经常喝咖啡的坏处,但是科学的观点是不一样的 。除非你每天喝5杯咖啡,不然的话咖啡对于提升全身的健康状况具有显著的作用 。你是不是一个喜欢喝咖啡或者茶的人呢,基于以下三个有科学依据的理由你将会喜欢上经常喝有机咖啡的:
1.Protect and repair DNA
A research conducted at the University of Kaiserslautern, Germany showed that drinking a dark roast coffee regularly contributes to DNA integrity. The quality of coffee does matter, though. Coffee beans are sprayed with pesticides, which can affect your DNA. Choose the organic version instead.
德国凯泽斯劳滕大学的一项研究显示定期饮用深度烘焙的咖啡有助于保持DNA的完整性 。但是咖啡的质量很关键 。被喷洒了农药的咖啡豆将会对你的DNA产生不良影响 。所以要选择有机咖啡饮用 。
2.Keep your muscles strong
Strong muscles are one of the secrets to living a longer life. While exercise is essential for keeping your muscles strong, drinking organic coffee stimulates the cellular recycling process that is needed for strong muscles according to the research from Wingate University in North Carolina. Coffee can help muscle regeneration and prevent age-related muscle loss.
强健的肌肉是能够长寿的秘诀之一 。虽然锻炼身体对保持肌肉强健至关重要,但根据北卡罗来纳州温盖特大学的一项研究显示饮用有机咖啡能够促进细胞循环过程,而这正是让肌肉变得更加强健所必须的 。咖啡也有助于肌肉的再生以及能够预防随着年龄的增长而导致的肌肉含量降低的现象 。
3. Boost your brain power
3. 有助于提升你的大脑功能
Regular and moderate coffee consumption has been shown to lower the risk of developing dementia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and depression. It can also boost mental focus and improve alertness. It is all mostly thanks to coffee's high antioxidant content. Even though there is no proven fact that coffee itself fully protects the brain, a cup of joe will not harm.
定期适量地喝咖啡已被证实能够降低患失智症、帕金森病、阿尔茨海默病以及抑郁症的风险 。它也能促使精力集中和提升大脑警觉性 。这都是受益于咖啡中含有大量的抗氧化剂 。即使没有证据显示咖啡对大脑是完全起到保护作用的,那么喝一杯咖啡也是没有害处的 。
If you are looking to cut the risks of most serious diseases, incorporating healthy food and drinks will definitely help. Organic coffee is a perfect health drink to enjoy once in a while to boost your health. Coffee offers a plethora of health benefits that you can reap on a regular basis. Are you a coffee drinker or a tea drinker?
如果你想要降低患很多严重疾病的风险,那么食用健康的食品和饮品将会非常有帮助 。有机咖啡是一种非常健康的饮品,适量饮用能够促进身体健康 。你经常能从咖啡中获取很多对健康有益的物质 。你是一个爱喝咖啡或者茶的人吗?