The best children’s sunscreens
I think I was nine before I’d worn sunscreen, which is shocking when you consider I have the pallor of a floured bap. We’d travel for days in cigarette-smoke-filled cars to boiling French campsites where a good time was measured by the redness of one’s limbs and the number of freckles emerging on one’s face. No one worried much about the sun in the 1980s, and I’m concerned that what we’ve learned since isn’t habitually put into practice (eight in 10 people worry about skin cancers, yet more than 72% of us still got burned last year).
在擦防晒霜之前,我想我当时9岁,当你想到我有软面包卷面粉般苍白的脸颊时,这着实令人震惊 。我们在充满香烟儿的车里已经旅行好几天了,来到了激昂的法国营地,人们四肢的红肿和脸上新长的雀斑表明他们在这里玩的很开心 。20世纪80年代,没人会对太阳十分担心,我担心的是既然这并不是习惯性的付诸实践(10个人中有8个会担心皮肤癌,但去年超过72%的人仍然晒伤了),那么我们学到了什么?
I’ve been obsessive about protecting my children from the sun, not only because I don’t want them to burn, but also because I want them to see applying sun cream during warmer months as much a part of their daily routine as brushing teeth and washing hands (which I also have to nag them endlessly about, but still). And I’ve found that the product itself is crucial to my success. My kids (aged 11 and eight) make a fuss about anything smelly, greasy, sticky or visible, and wriggle away before I can sufficiently baste them.
我一直有保护我的孩子使他们免受太阳照射的强迫症,不止是因为我不想要他们被晒伤,而且也因为我想让他们在温暖的月份将涂抹防晒霜看成日常生活的一部分,就像刷牙洗手一样(对此我还是要唠叨他们,但仍然还是会不听) 。我也发现产品本身对我的成功至关重要 。我的孩子们(11岁和8岁)对任何有臭味、油腻腻、黏黏的或看得见的东西都会小题大做,然后在我大骂他们之前就会脱身离开 。
For years, I’ve carried the hugely practical pocket-sized tubes of Nivea Sun Kids SPF30 and Boots Soltan Kids Hypoallergenic Suncare SPF50 lotions (both £3, and both also available in full size). Their dimensions and portability mean they can be whipped out in seconds before anyone has time to complain.
多年来,我一直拿着十分实用的口袋般大小的妮维雅儿童防晒霜,防晒指数30和Boots Soltan儿童防过敏防晒乳液,防晒指数50(两款都是3英镑,每款都有各种尺寸) 。它们的尺寸和便携性意味着在任何人有时间抱怨前几秒就能拿的出来 。
No sunscreen replaces a good hat, though, and my children are never voluntarily without their Lucky Seven trucker caps, which they designed themselves online. They’re suitable for boys and girls alike, and fun to create, which encourages enthusiastic wear.
然而,没有什么防晒霜可以代替一款好的帽子,我的孩子们永远不会主动不戴他们的幸运七卡车帽,这是他们自己在网上设计的 。这款帽子男女通用,创造时也很有趣,这也会鼓励孩子们充满热情的戴帽子 。