Here are tips for how to make the most of your college semester abroad:
1.Do some advance research to figure out which program is right for you. Europe is generally life-changing, whereas South America tends to be more eye-opening.
2.Before choosing, carefully consider those countries your friends say are most fun versus those your other friends say are most fun.
3.To avoid homesickness, pack at least one close relative.
4.Spend your first few days in a new country identifying local places to eat, shopping for groceries, and doing laundry so you can establish a monotonous routine from which you never branch out.
5.Keep family and friends apprised of your travels by maintaining a blog for the first three days of the semester.
6.Be prepared to have your worldview challenged by students who have come from schools all across the United States.
7.Getting involved with extracurriculars will help you make the most out of your time abroad. Ask local students when the next political uprising will be and how you can get involved.
8.Take time every day to be thankful for these experiences. You’ll be wedging them into conversations for years to come.