On April 9, 1972, Iraq and the Soviet Union signed anhistoric agreement. The USSR committed to arming the Arab republic with thelatest weaponry. In return for sending Baghdad guns, tanks and jet fighters,Moscow got just one thing?—?influence …in a region that held most of the world’s accessibleoil.
In neighboring Iran, news of Iraq’salliance with the Soviets exploded like a bomb. Ethnically Persian andpredominately Shia, Iran was?—?and still is?—?a bitter rival of Iraq’s Sunni Arabestablishment, which during the 1970s dominated the country’s politics.
In Tehran, King Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi?—?the“shah”?—?moved quickly to counter Baghdad’s move.First he set loose an army of secret police in a desperate and bloody bid toquell internal dissent. And then he reached out to the United States.
The shah wanted weapons. And not just any weapons.Himself a former military pilot, the king wanted the latest and best U.S.-madewarplanes, with which the Iranian air force might dominate the Persian Gulf andeven patrol as far away as the Indian Ocean.
The Iranian leader’s appetite for planes wasnotorious. “He’ll buy anythingthat flies,” one American official said of the shah.But Pahlavi was especially keen to acquire a fighter that could fly fast enoughand shoot far enough to confront Soviet MiG-25 Foxbat recon planes that hadbeen flying over Iran at 60,000 feet and Mach 3.
The administration of U.S. president Richard Nixon wasall too eager to grant the shah’s wish in exchange for Iran’s help balancing a rising Soviet Union. Nixon and his nationalsecurity adviser Henry Kissinger visited Tehran in May 1972?—?and promptly offered the shah a “blankcheck.” Any weapons the king wanted and could pay for,he would get?—?regardless of the Pentagon’s own reservations and the State Department’sstringent export policies.
That’s how, starting in the mid-1970s,Iran became the only country besides the United States to operate arguably themost powerful interceptor jet ever built?—?the GrummanF-14 Tomcat, a swing-wing carrier fighter packing a sophisticated radar andlong-range AIM-54 Phoenix air-to-air missiles.
It’s fair to say American policymakersquickly regretted giving Iran the F-14s. In February 1979, Islamic hardlinersrose up against the shah’s police state, kidnapping 52Americans at the U.S. embassy in Tehran and ushering the return of AyatollahRuhollah Khomeini. The Islamic Revolution transformed Iran from an Americanally to one of the United States’ most vociferousenemies.
An enemy possessing 79 of the world’smost fearsome interceptors.
For the next five decades, the United States would doeverything in its power?—?short of war?—?to ground the ayatollah’s Tomcats. But theAmericans failed. Through a combination of engineering ingenuity and audaciousespionage, Iran kept its F-14s in working order?—?andeven improved them. The swing-wing fighters took to the air in severalconflicts and even occasionally confronted American planes.
Today Iran’s 40 or so surviving F-14s remainsome of the best fighters in the Middle East. And since the U.S. Navy retiredits last Tomcats in 2006, the ayatollah’s Tomcats arethe only active Tomcats left in the world.