Randy Rallo captured footage of the 100lb bear, estimated to be around three years old, after it wandered onto the Alaska Highway near Tok.
Rallo said he immediately called the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to come and rescue it.
As Rallo and the motorists waited for the rescue team to arrive, one man attempted to remove the can - which turned out to be an antique coffee tin - from the bear's head, reported ADN.com。
The distressed animal apparently lunged at his would-be rescuer before the group decided it would be best to wait for the experts to arrive.
After a few minutes Fish and Game staff, including assistant area biologist Jeff Wells, arrived at the scene to save the animal.
The team shot the bear with a tranquiliser dart before using tin snips to carefully cut around the empty can and remove it from its head. The animal, which was 'in fairly good shape' received antibiotics for the small wound caused by the dart and was given an ear tag before it was taken into the nearby woods to be set free.
It is believed that the bear got its head stuck while foraging for food in rubbish dumped along the side of the highway.
Wells noted that although bears are common in the area, there has not been a similar incident to this in his recent memory.
He also reminded people to do as the motorists did on this occasion and to call the experts immediately, as opposed to try and intervene. The assistant area biologist warned that despite the animal looking small, a 100lb bear is capable of 'doing some damage'.