Shoreline Capital, a Chinese distressed debt investor with more than $1.5bn in assets under management, is in turmoil and losing staff at a time when it should be benefiting from mainland banks’ efforts to deal with problem loans.
海岸投资(Shoreline Capital)是中国的一家不良债务投资机构,总部在广州,管理着逾15亿美元资产,在其本应受益于国内银行着手处理不良贷款问题所带来的机会之际,该公司却陷入动荡,人员出走。
Disputes between the two principal founders about the fundamental direction of the Guangzhou-based investment firm and a series of defections could now jeopardise its survival, according to five people involved with the business as investors and employees.
At least 14 investment professionals have left a firm that described itself has having “more than 20” — and investors will soon be asked to decide whether they want to leave their money with the firm or want its funds wound up.
“The timing is very ironic . . . If we were all on the same page, we could even be raising a new fund,” said one key principal at Shoreline.
Ben Fanger and Xiaolin Zhang, who met at the University of Chicago, established the firm in 2004, and it has successfully raised three funds, all in US dollars, from a group of blue-chip investors including the Duke University endowment.
方杰明(Ben Fanger)和张晓琳相识于芝加哥大学(University of Chicago),2004年联手创办了海岸投资。至今海岸投资已从包括杜克大学(Duke University)捐赠基金在内的蓝筹投资者那里成功募集3只基金,都以美元募资。
When Shoreline was raising the current fund in 2015, Mr Fanger predicted an “unprecedented’ increase in the supply of non-performing loans (NPLs) as a result of the lending boom between 2009 and 2011 in the wake of the global financial crisis.
But problems began earlier this year when the current fund, which manages more than $500m, had invested about 80 per cent of that money, according to the people.
Ms Zhang and Mr Fanger then began to talk about what to do next. Mr Fanger wished to raise another dollar-based fund similar to the previous three, he said on a recorded conference call with investors in late May.
Ms Zhang, though, raised the idea of launching a big fund in renminbi with an entirely different, local investor base, some staff, Mr Fanger and investors say.
“We had differing views on how to grow and keep the long-term team together,” Mr Fanger said on the taped conference call. “Banks are aggressively selling NPLs and that is good for us. What was not so good was people throwing money at us. Xiaolin wanted more types of capital and more sources of capital.”
Ms Zhang and Mr Fanger declined to comment for this article
Through March, April and May, the two debated about what their strategy should be for the next fundraising. At the same time, employees started to leave. Some of them decided to launch a new fund which they named Shorevest.
Investors say they only became aware of the extent of both the dispute and the departures in the past month or two.
Then, in early June, Mr Fanger decided to leave and join Shorevest as well, according to these people. He and Ms Zhang then signed a separation agreement.
“The split stemmed largely from my unwillingness to pursue certain business interests that I believe are inconsistent with our investors’ objectives,” Mr Fanger wrote in a June 6 letter to investors seen by the Financial Times. “Before our agreement to separate, I pushed for Xiaolin and I to find a way for us to manage the existing Shoreline funds together. But Xiaolin expressed an uncompromising desire to go forward managing Shoreline and its funds on her own.”
Ms Zhang then emailed investors a few days later apologising for the “confusion of the separation of Ben and me, and “told them she was offering enhanced transparency” by appointing a third party to monitor the “very healthy” investment portfolio.
His departure last week triggered a clause in the agreement with investors that says if one of the two founders leaves, the fund is barred from making further investments.
It is not clear what will happen to Shoreline’s existing investments. Investors appear to have three choices: let Ms Zhang keep managing the portfolio, demand that the fund be wound down as quickly as possible while avoiding a fire sale, or transfer the fund’s assets to another investment firm entirely.
“As part of my separation agreement with Xiaolin, we agreed Shoreline would declare an Event of Termination for Fund II and Fund III, so that Shoreline’s focus would be on exiting assets in an orderly manner, rather than new investments (although Xiaolin has communicated she intends to reconsider declaring an Event of Termination),” Mr Fanger said in the June 6 letter.
To some investors, the problems at Shoreline are about a failure to evolve as the firm grew. In their view, Ms Zhang was too focused on raising the next fund and not concentrating enough on managing the current one, as required by their agreements with investors. Some staff who left, meanwhile, felt the founders failed to share enough of the profits with them.
People will write this off as another bad Chinese investment story,” says one long-time investor. “Sometimes in the go- go atmosphere in China, the short term opportunities can overwhelm the contractual obligations.”
Meanwhile, one investment firm just starting to dabble in distressed debt in China and anticipating a massive increase in the stock of bad loans for sale says ”we are licking our chops.”