蝴蝶风暴 全球钢铁业的中国因素(3)
日期:2016-06-16 11:34


Production posers


Port Talbot’s predicament has led to suggestions that the future of steel in developed countries lies outside the heavy end of raw iron and steelmaking. In the UK, Liberty House, a commodities trading group, has reopened a handful of mills that roll cheaper imported steel. But many industry figures say that severing the link with primary metal production makes it difficult to develop new grades.

英国塔尔伯特港钢厂的困境导致一些人提议,发达国家钢铁业的未来不在于把生铁熔炼成钢的重头一端。在英国,大宗商品交易集团Liberty House重新启动了几家轧制更便宜进口钢铁的工厂。但许多业内人物表示,脱离了基础钢铁生产,就难以发展新的产品品级。

Yet behind attempts by steelmakers to weather the turbulence, there is an uncomfortable truth. Producers have struggled to improve margins, whether through developing new grades and alloys or internal cost savings, with gains often passed on to customers.


“Steel has invested to help customers without increasing the margin. It’s done all the R&D, but automotive customers are so powerful,” says Mr Beauman.


China’s pivotal influence will determine whether the storm abates or worsens. For the first time, Beijing included tackling overcapacity in its latest five-year plan, and has set targets to cut 100m-150m tonnes of capacity in that period, which it says will require 500,000 steelworker lay-offs. However, analysts debate whether the scale and pace of retrenchment is enough.


In a measure of the challenge, Chinese steel mills have recently ramped up production to take advantage of a price rise caused by a combination of a recovering housing market and an influx of speculative retail investors into commodity futures exchanges.


While Beijing has made clear that it will not remove tax incentives for exports, it is receiving some forceful encouragement to desist. The opening shots have been fired in a brewing steel trade war, with the US moving towards tariffs of more than 500 per cent on dumped and subsidised products. The EU is following suit, though less aggressively, and India and South Africa have also erected barriers. This is likely to deliver a boon to producers in countries reliant on imports, like the US, or where demand is growing, such as in India. The risk is that exports are diverted to regions with less robust trade policies.


For the 4,000 Port Talbot workers still uncertain about their jobs, a ray of light is piercing the gloom. Steel prices have risen in recent months and losses that once touched £1m a day have narrowed. Their fate could foretell that of rivals in similar positions.




As steelmakers worldwide rolled out dismal 2015 results, Nucor, the US’s biggest producer by volumes, bucked the trend. While net earnings fell nearly 40 per cent, the company remained in the black, reporting a profit of $496m. The figures contrasted with $1.5bn net loss for US Steel, the next biggest producer.


The company’s resilience has highlighted the advantages that Nucor and other operators of electric arc furnaces — also known as “mini-mills” — enjoy compared with traditional operators of integrated steel mills. EAFs can be turned on or off relatively easily according to demand for steel, while integrated mills’ blast furnaces need to be kept going. Electric furnaces melt down scrap steel, rather than using iron ore. Nucor employees’ pay also depends heavily on the amount of steel they produce, meaning that the company’s wage bill shrinks and grows according to demand, without the need to lay off staff.


Jim Frias, Nucor’s chief financial officer, says the company has a “better business model” than other US-based steelmakers.

纽柯首席财务官吉姆•弗里亚斯(Jim Frias)表示,这家公司拥有比美国其他钢铁生产商“更好的商业模式”。

“It begins with being a lower-cost producer with a highly flexible production capability that we always use to respond to market conditions more quickly than our competitors,” Mr Frias says. “Our employees are incentivised to make the most steel they can possibly make,” he adds.


Yet it is not clear that Nucor’s approach can be easily replicated. Charles Bradford, a steel analyst, says Nucor’s US operations are dependent on cheap electricity supplies, which are not available in many parts of Europe. The company also depends on a ready supply of scrap steel, which is not yet available in still-developing China.

然而,还不清楚纽柯的策略能否被容易地复制。钢铁业分析师查尔斯•布拉德福德(Charles Bradford)表示,纽柯的美国工厂依赖便宜的电力供应,这在欧洲很多地区都不可行。这家公司还依赖现成的废钢供应,这对依然属于发展中国家的中国来说也无法实现。
