The global rally in government bonds broke records on Friday while equities buckled as a combination of anxiety over the world economy and Britain’s referendum on EU membership sent investors racing to safety.
Bears took charge of financial markets already grappling with the effects of negative interest rates in the eurozone and Japan as European equities suffered their worst day since the market meltdown at the start of the year.
“To see the 10-year Bund [yield] so close to zero is shocking,” said Philip Brown, head of sovereign capital markets at Citigroup. “Equities are falling and fixed income is rallying in a flight to quality — there are real fears in markets about global growth.”
“10年期德国国债收益率降至如此接近零的水平,令人震惊,”花旗集团(Citigroup)主权资本市场主管菲利普•布朗(Philip Brown)表示,“随着人们涌向高质量资产,股市在下跌,固定收益证券价格在飙升,市场对于全球增长确实感到担忧。”
German, UK and Japanese sovereign bond yields all reached historic lows with the yield on the 10-year Bund — a benchmark for the eurozone — falling as low as 0.01 per cent. Gold also rallied as deeper risk aversion dashed any hopes that US stocks would reach a new high this week.
Bond prices, which move in the opposite direction to yields, have been electrified by moves by the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan to cut interest rates into negative territory in their latest efforts to revive listless economies.
作为提振低迷经济的最新努力,欧洲央行(ECB)和日本央行(Bank of Japan)将利率降至负值,这些举措提振了债券价格(与收益率走势相反)。
The succession of record lows across European and Japanese government bond markets this week is stirring concern over the long-term effects on savers and pension plans, as well as the wider threat of financial instability should the rally unwind sharply.