夏日来临如何选墨镜 脸型与镜框怎样搭配
日期:2016-06-12 10:00


It's easy to find an eye-catching pair of sunglasses and decide immediately that they're the ones for you. Unfortunately, sunglasses shopping is a lot more complicated than "meets the eye" . In addition to finding a pair you L-O-V-E at first sight, you need to find a pair that complements the unique shape of your face.


A) Heart-shaped

A) 瓜子脸

If you have a heart-shaped face, you should be wearing aviators. The silhouette of the aviators mimics the structure of a heart-shaped face — broad top that tapers into a narrow bottom. Just make sure you choose a pair that doesn't overpower your features.


B) Oval

B) 鹅蛋脸

If your face is oval, you have a lot of freedom when it comes to frame selection. You can pull off basically any style as long as it's proportional to your face — keep in mind, you're not a Powerpuff Girl.


C) Round

C) 圆脸

If your face is round, choose square frames or wayfarers. It's a balancing act between your face shape and your sunglasses' frames, so a rounded face looks best when paired with an angular frame.


D) Square

D) 方形脸

If your face is square, you should wear rounded frames. Again, balance is key — an angular face needs a rounded frame to even it out.

