'Obesity genes' help determine size and shape, studies find
More than a fifth of the weight differences between people can be explained by common "obesity genes", according to research that confirms some people are naturally at greater risk of becoming overweight.
人与人之间体重差别超过五分之一就可以用共同的"肥胖基因"解释,根据研究证明了一些人天生就有很大的超重风险 。
The study, involving more than 300,000 people, highlights 97 gene variants that have a particularly powerful influence on weight, many of which appear to work by changing the way appetite is regulated in the brain, rather than altering basic metabolism.
涉及30多万人的这项研究,强调97个基因变异对体重有特别强大的影响,其中很多基因变异似乎是通过改变大脑的食欲调控方式起作用的,而不是基本的新陈代谢 。
Elizabeth Speliotes, a genetic epidemiologist at the University of Michigan and senior author, said: "Looking at obesity, we didn't necessarily expect to see genes that work in the brain. In retrospect it's not that surprising that appetite and feeding pathways have a big role."
密歇根大学遗传流行病学家和资深作家-Elizabeth Speliotes,说:"着眼于肥胖,我们必然不希望看到基因在大脑里起作用 。回顾过去,食欲和喂养途径起重要作用这点并不惊奇 。"
"Some people are potentially more addicted to food," he said. "They simply find it harder to suppress their appetite."
他说:"有些人更沉迷于食物,他们坦白自己很难抑制食欲 。"
The findings also reveal the existence of genetic variants that increase a person's chances of being obese, but simultaneously protect against diabetes and heart disease, adding credibility to the idea that some people can be overweight and healthy.
结果也揭示基因变异的存在增加了一个人的肥胖几率,但同时预防糖尿病和心脏疾病,增加了有些人可能是超重和健康的可信度 。
Speliotes predicted that in future people could be genetically screened to assess whether their weight was likely to raise their risk of disease - and for a fraction of people, being overweight might not be linked to health problems. "There are almost definitely very healthy obese individuals," she said. "And who cares about obesity if it's not going to affect your health?"
Speliotes预测,未来人们可以通过基因筛选评估体重是否可能加大他们的疾病风险,或者对于部分人来说,超重可能与健康问题不相关 。她说"如果肥胖不影响你的健康,非常健康的肥胖者谁会在乎肥胖呢?"
The research, published in the journal Nature, analysed the genomes of 339,224 individuals and sifted through the data to pinpoint genes that had an effect on body mass index (BMI).
这项研究分析了339224个人的基因组,并通过数据筛选查明基因对体重指数(BMI)的影响,此研究发表在Nature杂志上 。