Cover Letter Writing Tips
While a résumé can display your past work experiences, a cover letter is your chance to show prospective employers who you really are and what you bring to the table. Here are The Onion's tips for writing a memorable cover letter:
虽然简历可以显示你过去的工作经验,但是一封求职信却是向你未来的老板展示你是谁、并且有何过人之处的机会 。如何写出让人印象深刻的求职信,请看洋葱为您准备的小贴士:
The cover letter is your opportunity to let prospective employers know what you are capable of, particularly in the event that they don't hire you.
求职信是向你未来老板展示你能做什么的机会,尤其在他们不想雇佣你的情况下 。
Customize each cover letter you send, but double-check the details. Nothing's more embarrassing than addressing a letter to Google when it should have gone directly in the garbage.
个性化设置你寄出的求职信,但是要仔细检查细节 。
Don't repeat information that employers have already gleaned from your private social media accounts.
如果雇主已经在你的私人社交媒体账户上了解到你的某些信息,请不要再重复写到求职信里 。
Have a close friend read over the final product. If it doesn't convince them to offer you a negotiable $45,000 plus benefits, go back to the drawing board.
让一位密友读一下最终版本 。如果这封求职信不足以让他们给你一份可面议的4万5千美金加福利的工作,返回求职信写作环节 。
If you're one of those rare candidates who has proficiency in Microsoft Word, then for God's sake, mention it.
如果你是精通微软文字处理软件稀有人才中的一个,看在上帝的份上,一定要说明 。
Limit yourself to five consecutive uses of the word "please."
限制自己连续使用"请"这个词到5次 。
Before hitting send, check whether the company prefers footnotes or endnotes in cover letters, and if the latter, how they prefer the appendices organized.
发送邮件之前,确定该公司是否喜欢在求职信上加脚注或尾注 。如果是后者,搞清他们青睐的附录组织方式 。
Overall, take this chance to show off the kind of dynamic, creative thinking that you're highly capable of.
总的来说,要利用这次机会来充分展示你那有活力的、创造性的思维 。