《纸牌屋》戏外 罗宾怀特如何争取平等报酬
日期:2016-05-23 16:12


When the actress Robin Wright was negotiating a pay raise that would make her earnings for “House of Cards” equal to those of her co-star Kevin Spacey, she used a tactic that would’ve made her alter ego, Claire Underwood, proud: She leveraged her power by threatening to go public about pay inequality.

女演员罗宾·怀特(Robin Wright)在要求把自己主演《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)的片酬提高到和联合主演凯文·斯佩西(Kevin Spacey)一样多时,她采取了一个会令自己饰演的克莱尔·安德伍德(Claire Underwood)骄傲的策略:她威胁说要公开报酬不平等问题,从而增加了自己的筹码。

Ms. Wright, who plays a calculating first lady to Mr. Spacey’s equally ruthless President Frank Underwood on the Netflix drama, told the audience at a Rockefeller Foundation event in New York on Tuesday that she’d learned the two characters were equally popular with viewers.

怀特在Netflix的这部电视剧中饰演工于心计的第一夫人,斯佩西饰演同样残酷无情的总统弗兰克·安德伍德(Frank Underwood)。周二,怀特在洛克菲勒基金会(Rockefeller Foundation)在纽约举办的一场活动上对观众们说,她已经得知这两个角色在观众中同样受欢迎。

“So I capitalized on it,” Ms. Wright told the room, according to The Huffington Post. “I was like, ‘You better pay me or I’m going to go public.’ ”

“所以我利用了这一点,”据《赫芬顿邮报》(The Huffington Post)说,当时怀特对活动现场的所有人说,“我说,‘你们最好给我加薪,否则我要曝光。’”

“And they did.”


Mr. Spacey was making $500,000 per episode in 2014, according to reports, making him one of the highest-paid actors on TV. That year, Ms. Wright won a Golden Globe Award for best actress for her work on the show. In 2015, Mr. Spacey won for best actor. That year, Forbes reported that Ms. Wright’s earnings — $5.5 million — were beginning to catch up to Mr. Spacey’s.

据报道称,2014年,斯佩西每集获得50万美元的报酬,成为片酬最高的电视演员之一。当年,怀特凭借在该剧中的表演获得了金球奖(Golden Globe Award)最佳女演员奖。2015年,斯佩西获得了最佳男演员奖。《福布斯》(Forbes)报道称,当年怀特的收入开始赶上斯佩西,达到550万美元。

Ms. Wright joined a growing group of actresses who have spoken out recently on pay inequality in Hollywood, spurred in part by a rousing speech made onstage at the 2015 Oscars by Patricia Arquette. (Ms. Arquette later said she had lost roles for the comments about equal pay.)

最近,越来越多的女演员开始公开谈论好莱坞的报酬不平等问题,怀特是新加入的一员。她们的动力部分来自于帕特丽夏·阿凯特(Patricia Arquette)在2015年奥斯卡颁奖台上发表的激动人心的演讲(后来,阿凯特说,关于报酬不平等的言论让她失去了很多角色)。

Months later, the issue was raised again by Jennifer Lawrence, the Oscar-winning star of “Winter’s Bone,” “Joy” and the “Hunger Games” franchise. Data exposed by the Sony Pictures hack in 2014 showed that she had been paid less than her male colleagues for the film “American Hustle.”

数月后,詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)再次提到这个问题。劳伦斯是奥斯卡获奖明星,曾主演《冬天的骨头》(Winter’s Bone)、《奋斗的乔伊》(Joy)和《饥饿游戏》(Hunger Games)系列电影。2014年索尼影业(Sony Pictures)遭黑客攻击后泄露的数据显示,她出演《美国骗局》(American Hustle)获得的报酬少于一同出演该片的多位男演员。

In October, Ms. Lawrence wrote in Lena Dunham’s newsletter, Lenny: “Jeremy Renner, Christian Bale and Bradley Cooper all fought and succeeded in negotiating powerful deals for themselves. If anything, I’m sure they were commended for being fierce and tactical, while I was busy worrying about coming across as a brat and not getting my fair share.”

去年10月,劳伦斯在莉娜·杜汉姆(Lena Dunham)的新闻通讯《Lenny》上写道:“杰里米·伦纳(Jeremy Renner)、克里斯蒂安·贝尔(Christian Bale)和布拉德利·库珀(Bradley Cooper)都为自己成功争取到了有力的待遇。实际上,我确信他们因强悍和策略而得到称赞,而我却忙于担心自己看起来像个小毛孩,所以没有得到合理的报酬。”

Not all high-profile actresses believe that discussing personal pay issues in Hollywood is appropriate. In an interview with Cosmopolitan in April, Scarlett Johansson said that it would be “icky” for her to discuss her experience with Hollywood’s pay gap.

并非所有知名女演员都认为,在好莱坞谈论个人报酬问题是妥当的。今年4月,斯嘉丽·约翰逊(Scarlett Johansson)在接受《Cosmopolitan》采访时说,谈论自己在好莱坞薪酬差距方面的经历会显得“矫情”。

“There’s something icky about me having that conversation unless it applies to a greater whole,” she said. “I am very fortunate; I make a really good living, and I’m proud to be an actress who’s making as much as many of my male peers at this stage.”


But social media users had much applause for Ms. Wright.

