日期:2016-05-12 14:44


In his annual letter to shareholders, Warren Buffett said the first-ever webcast of Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting would allow them to check that he and Charlie Munger, his business partner, “hadn’t drifted off into la-la land”.

沃伦•巴菲特(Warren Buffett)在致投资者的年度信件中表示,伯克希尔哈撒韦(Berkshire Hathaway)年会在历史上首次网络直播将让他们确信,他和商业合作伙伴查理•孟格(Charlie Munger)“没有进入昏昏沉沉的状态”。

The webcast on Saturday confirmed that Mr Buffett, 85, and Mr Munger, 92, were entirely cogent as they conducted the event while nibbling fudge and peanut brittle and sipping Coca-Cola.


Many shareholders had queries about Coca-Cola, which is 9.3 per cent owned by Berkshire Hathaway. Andrew Ross Sorkin, the author, asked the questions on their behalf. Mr Buffett was opposed to investing in cigarettes, even though they were addictive and profitable because of “societal attitudes”. Yet a Tufts University study had concluded that sugared drinks may lead to an estimated 184,000 adult deaths a year. Mr Sorkin said: “Please explain directly why we Berkshire Hathaway shareholders should be proud to own Coke.”

许多股东对伯克希尔哈撒韦持有可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola) 9.3%股份有疑虑。作家安德鲁•罗斯•索尔金(Andrew Ross Sorkin)代表这些股东提出了质疑。巴菲特出于“社会态度”反对投资香烟,即便它们让人上瘾而且非常赚钱。然而,塔夫斯大学(Tufts University)的一项研究得出结论称,据估计含糖饮料每年可能导致18.4万成年人死亡。索尔金表示:“请直接解释我们伯克希尔哈撒韦股东为什么应该对拥有可口可乐感到自豪。”

Mr Buffett said he consumed 700 calories of Coke a day. He wished he had a twin who had eaten only broccoli his entire life. “I know I would have been happier and I think the odds are fairly good I would have lived longer,” he said.


Coke drinkers just needed to reduce the rest of their calorie intake. In any case, many more women than men lived beyond 100. If you wanted to live longer, “have a sex change,” he said. This insouciant response was wrong for five reasons.


First, the shareholders had asked a serious question. They deserved more than being laughed off.


Second, not everyone is as adept as Mr Buffett at calculating their daily calorie intake and compensating for their Coke consumption by cutting back on other food and drink.


In his letter to shareholders, Mr Buffett wrote with compassion about those who had lost their jobs because of the otherwise beneficial effects of competition and did not have the skills to find other work. Society owed them “a variety of safety nets aimed at providing a decent life”. It is many of these same people who go in search of sugar hits to satisfy their hunger. The problem is that Coke can be a particularly damaging way to do this. This is the third reason Mr Buffett’s amused shrug was wrong.


Researchers such as Robert Lustig of the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine say that liquid sugar is especially dangerous, partly because it suppresses hunger less than sugar ingested in other forms. That is why you are far better off eating fruit than drinking fruit juice, which is also a big seller for Coca-Cola.

加州大学旧金山医学院(University of California San Francisco School of Medicine)的罗伯特•勒斯蒂格(Robert Lustig)等研究人员表示,液态糖尤其危险,一定程度上是因为它消除饥饿感的效果不如以其他形式摄入的糖。这就是为什么你喝果汁远远不如吃水果的原因——可口可乐公司也在大量销售果汁。

The fourth reason Mr Buffett should have taken the Coke question seriously is that politicians around the world are waking up to the dangers of sugared drinks and taking action against them.


In March, George Osborne, the UK chancellor, announced a tax on these drinks, saying: “I am not prepared to . . . say to my children’s generation: ‘I’m sorry. We knew there was a problem with sugary drinks. We knew it caused disease. But we ducked the difficult decisions and we did nothing.’”

今年3月,英国财政大臣乔治•奥斯本(George Osborne)宣布对这些饮料征税,他表示:“我不准备……对我的下一代说:‘对不起,我们知道含糖饮料有问题。我们知道它引发了疾病。但我们回避做出艰难决定,我们什么也没做。’”

Other countries, including Mexico, already have a sugar tax. There is political risk attached to fizzy drinks. A chief executive with a large stake in a company that makes them should explain how he is going to deal with it.


The fifth reason Mr Buffett’s dismissive response was wrong is that it was at odds with what the company itself says. Coca-Cola makes enormous efforts to show that it takes seriously the concerns expressed by politicians, doctors and the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders.


Coke’s 69-page sustainability report has a chunky section outlining the company’s promotion of low and zero calorie drinks and of smaller cans and bottles, its restrictions on advertising to children under 12 and its sponsorship of exercise activities. When it comes to “public health challenges such as obesity, we are working to ensure we do our part,” the report said.


According to Muhtar Kent, Coke’s chief executive, these and other efforts, such as the responsible use of water and the promotion of opportunities for women, are the key to “sustainable business growth”.

可口可乐首席执行官穆泰康(Muhtar Kent)表示,这些努力加上其他努力,比如负责任地使用水资源以及提升妇女就业机遇,是“可持续商业增长”的关键。

There are sceptics who do not take these Coke activities seriously, seeing them as a cover for the continued sale of highly profitable and health-damaging drinks. Mr Buffett’s jocular response to his shareholders did little to rebut this view.


  • adeptadj. 熟练的,老练的 n. 名手,专家
  • decentadj. 体面的,正派的,得体的,相当好的
  • profitableadj. 有益的,有用的
  • compassionn. 同情,怜悯
  • obesityn. 肥胖,肥大
  • brittleadj. 易碎的,敏感的,尖利的,冷淡的 n. 果仁薄脆
  • opposedadj. 反对的,敌对的 v. 和 ... 起冲突,反抗
  • insouciantadj. 漫不经心的,漠不关心的;无忧无虑的
  • confirmedadj. 习惯的,积习的,确认过的,证实的 动词conf
  • beneficialadj. 有益的,有利的