An old railway station which turned into a public library in Rumia, northern Poland, has just won the Single Space Design category of the 2016 Library Interior Design Awards. It is the only project from Europe which has been recognized in this year's awards.
The library beat out projects in the United States, Canada and many other countries and regions.
In September 2014, a deteriorating building of Rumia train station was reopened as Stacja Kultura (Culture Station), which combines the functions of a railway station, a public library and a cultural center.
The revitalized train station is now the main office of Rumia Public Library, which serves both the local community and tourists traveling to the Polish seaside. The whole project cost 5 million zlotys (1.28 million U.S. dollars).
Rumia's modern library design of black and red details refer to old railway infrastructure: stations and locomotives. The bookshelves resemble railroad tracks.
The prestigious Library Interior Design Awards is organized every two years by the American Library Association together with International Interior Design Association. Its mission is to honor international excellence in library interior design.