“Polygraphy is not a game,” Eran Gazit, cofounder of the GazitPolygraph Institute warned when I called about taking a polygraph for thisstory. “It’s impossible to test the system unless you have skin in the game.You need to have something to lose, like your job or marriage, or freedom.”
在我致电谈到为这篇报道参加测谎仪测试时,加齐特测谎仪研究所(Gazit Polygraph Institute)联合创始人厄兰·加齐特(EranGazit)警告道,“测谎仪测试可不是闹着玩的,除非你在测试中有利益在,否则就不可能测试这个系统。你需要有能失去的东西,比如工作、婚姻或者自由。”
Nevertheless, I’m here tointerview his father, Mordi Gazit, who worked for the Israeli Police PolygraphUnit for 10 years before he cofounded the institute in Tel Aviv.
虽然如此,我还是来这里采访他的父亲——穆尔迪·加齐特(Mordi Gazit)。在与他在特拉维夫联合创建这个研究所前,他的父亲为以色列警方测谎部门工作了长达10 年之久。
I’m also here to tryto successfully lie my way through a polygraph.
Which is how I found myself sitting in acomfortable chair with two straps wrapped around my chest, metal devicescovering my fingertips and a blood pressure cuff hanging around my arm. Thewires lead into a box that resembles a cable modem, which in turn iscontinuously sending data to Mordi’s laptop.
Polygraph evidence is not admissible inmany courts, but the authorities have found other uses for them Commonly knownas lie detector tests, polygraphs work by measuring physiological changes inthe body, in this case respiration rate, pulse, blood pressure and galvanicskin response, which measures the electrical properties in the skin. Othermethods can involve measuring pupillary changes and brain activity using anfMRI.
Polygraph evidence is generally notadmissible in criminal court in the US and most of Europe. But the authoritieshave found other uses for them. In the UK, probation officers use polygraphs tomonitor serious sex offenders, which has resulted in dozens of people returningto jail. In the US, polygraphs are used to screen candidates for the CIA andother government jobs.
Walt Goodson, the president of the AmericanPolygraph Association spent 25 years in the Texas State Police, and emphasisestheir usefulness in conducting police investigations. “They are extremelyhelpful in focusing exams. It’s a quick and easy way to bring in a suspect anddecide if we need to look more into that person or if we need to look forsomeone else in our investigation.”
美国测谎协会会长沃尔特·古德森(Walt Goodson)曾在德克萨斯州警察部门工作长达25 年,他强调测谎仪在警方调查中的作用:“在集中测试中它们极为有用。这是一种发现嫌疑人的简单而快捷的方法,同时也有助于我们决定是否需要深入调查,或者是否需要寻找其他嫌疑人。”
And helping people cheat on polygraphs hasshown to have serious legal consequences. A former Oklahoma City police officerwas recently sentenced to two years in prison for coaching undercover Federalagents who said they wanted to cover up their crimes.
Trying to cheat
Yet could an untrained person like me stillfool the examiner?
From the moment I meet Mordi, I feel likeI’m in the presence of a government agent. The 69-year-old has experiencewritten all over his face. He’s professional, speaks confidently and looks medead in the eye as he asks for my press credentials. I think to myself thateven if I can trick the machine, this guy would know if I was lying. I alreadyfeel nervous, as if I’m going to get caught for something I haven’t done. I’d laterdiscover that this is part of the problem with the tests.
从见到穆尔迪开始,我就感到自己像是在面对联邦特工。丰富的经验全都写在69 岁的穆尔迪脸上。他非常专业,在要求我出示记者证件时,他直视着我的眼睛,语气极为自信。我暗自思忖,即使我撒谎能骗过测谎仪,也会被这家伙看出来啊。我已经感到自己的紧张,就像是自己因为什么没做过的事情要被抓住一样。后来我认识到,这也是测谎测试所存在的部分问题。