The retelling is not just a compulsion; itmight also help trauma survivors to heal. In an interview, the writer PrimoLevi, who survived the concentration camp at Auschwitz, said: “I told my storyto everyone and anyone, at the drop of a hat, from the plant manager to theyard-man... just like the Ancient Mariner”. According to Garcés, “Telling the story time and time again may havetherapeutic effects; each time you repeat, you change something, as Freudnoted. In the case of Cervantes, I think this led to introspection and to aninterest in the workings of madness. Two of his great works deal with madmen:Don Quixote and The Glass Graduate.”
复述不幸经历并不只是一种强迫症,也许它还能帮助创伤幸存者愈合创伤。在访谈中,奥斯维辛集中营幸存者、作家普里莫·莱维(Primo Levi)表示:“一有机会,我就会把自己的经历告诉每一个人、任何人,从工厂经理到院子里的杂工,无一例外......活像是《古舟子咏》(Ancient Mariner)中的古代水手一般。”加尔塞斯认为,“一次又一次地讲述悲惨经历可能有治疗效果;每重复一次,你就会改变其中一些东西,就像弗洛伊德说得那样。对塞万提斯的情况,我想,这样做能带给他的内省,也引发了他对疯狂背后的运作方式的兴趣。他的两部伟大作品都涉及疯子:《堂吉诃德》和《玻璃硕士》(The Glass Graduate)。”
It could be this interest which marks outDon Quixote as the first truly modern European novel. “I would argue thatCervantes’s explicit interest in the question of madness emerges from theborderline situations he endured as a captive, from the encounter with deaththat transformed him into a survivor,”writes Garcés in Cervantesin Algiers. His reflection on madness “converts him into apioneer in the exploration of the psyche three centuries before Freud.”
也许正因为如此,才使《堂吉诃德》成为欧洲第一部真正意义上的现代小说。加尔塞斯在《塞万提斯在阿尔及尔》(Cervantes in Algiers)中写道,“我想,塞万提斯对疯狂问题的明显兴趣源自他身为被囚徒时所忍受的不确定情况,源自他从死亡威胁中的幸存经历。”他对疯狂的反思“使他成为心灵探索的先驱,比弗洛伊德还要早三百年。”
Garcés points out that the writer’s focuson captivity extends to what she calls “figurative incarcerations” such as thedelirium that imprisons Don Quixote, or the madness that captures the derangedscholar Vidriera. Cervantes returned again and again to his time as a slavethrough his characters. “Trauma is a wound in the psyche that has not beenprocessed,” says Garcés. “Cervantes’s works seem haunted by the re-enactmentsof trauma, possessed by the continual images and dreams that assault thesurvivor.”
Yet for Cervantes, telling the story of histrauma went beyond testimony. Spanish cultural historian Américo Castrodescribed the author’s captivity as “the most transcendental event in hisspiritual career”; for critic Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce, it is “the hinge whichforcefully organises the entire life of Cervantes”. According to Spanish poetand novelist Juan Goytisolo, it was “that void – hole, vortex, whirlwind – inthe central nucleus of the great literary invention”. The five years inAlgiers, says Goytisolo, was a life-changing experience: “Cervanteselaborated his complex and admirable vision of Spain during his imprisonment inAfrican territories, in opposition to the rival model against which he clashed.”
但是对塞万提斯而言,讲述自己的心理创伤的意义却超出了见证。西班牙文化史学者阿梅里科·卡斯特罗(Américo Castro)将塞万提斯的被囚经历称为“他心灵之旅最重要的先验性事件”;文学批评家胡安·包蒂斯塔(Juan Bautista Avalle-Arce)则称之为“影响塞万提斯一生的重大转折点”。西班牙诗人、小说家胡安·戈伊蒂索洛(Juan Goytisolo)认为,它是“伟大文学巨匠内心中的一个空洞、一个漩涡、一股旋风”。戈伊蒂索洛认为,在阿尔及尔的五年,是影响塞万提斯一生的体验:“在非洲的囚禁岁月,塞万提斯脑海中精心编织着对西班牙复杂而令人钦佩的想象,与他面对的敌手针锋相对。”
Arguably, the writer’s enslavement not onlybroadened his vision – it broadened the scope of the novel in general. ForGarcés, Don Quixote signals “the birth of a new era through its incorporationof marginal and culturally ambiguous groups”. They include the Moriscos (formerMuslims who converted or were coerced into converting to Christianity), pícaros(rogues who live by their wits), and renegades “that people its literaryuniverse”. This was a direct result of his enslavement. “His experience as acaptive in the bagnios [slave-houses] of Algiers, his personal relations withMuslims and renegades, his encounter with different cultures and religions inthis multicultural city that welcomed corsairs from every part of the worldoffered him the possibility of examining these issues from a unique perspective.”
Fantasy figure
Garcés believes that Cervantes’ traumaticexperience “opened the door of creation for him”. And in turn, the traumaCervantes retold through his novels, plays and poetry helped Garcés through themost difficult time of her life. She wrote Cervantes in Algiers in the periodfollowing the death of her eldest son.
“The most important resource in this process of grieving and recovery…has been my writing on Cervantes,” she writes in the preface to Cervantes inAlgiers. “More than anyone or anything else, Cervantes has been the greatteacher, the healer who has helped me to reattach ‘el roto hilode mi historia’[the broken thread of my life] as I read, and wrote about, hisfictions.
“The remarkable fertility of his creations that swirl around thevortex of trauma has shown me that it is possible to turn trauma into song…Revealing a truth impossible to assimilate, these are the stories of a woundthat cries out, that addresses us in an attempt to express an indescribablereality.”
Viewed in this way, telling a story cantruly save a life. In the words of Coleridge’s ancient mariner: “Since then,at an uncertain hour/That agony returns;/And till my ghastly tale is told/Thisheart within me burns.”
从这个角度而言,讲故事真的能拯救一个人。正如英国19 世纪湖畔派诗人柯勒律治在长诗《古舟子咏》中所吟诵的那样:“从此后这无比的痛苦/时时出现,将我折磨/我的心在剧痛中燃烧/直到我把这故事诉说。”