The gravitational tug of large planets,like Jupiter and Saturn, could sling some planets on "escapetrajectories", propelling them off beyond their solar system into theempty space between stars.
木星和土星等大行星的引力拖曳, 可把某些行星抛掷到“逃逸轨迹上”,把它们推出其自身的太阳系外,进入空旷的星际空间。
That might seem to consign them to a coldand barren future. But some scientists believe that the first life on Earth wasnot powered by sunlight, but by volcanic energy released from the planet'sinterior at hot vents in the deep sea.
All of the rocky planets in the inner solarsystem come with two internal heat sources.
First, each planet has a fiery core stillhot from the primordial fury of its formation. On top of that, they containradioactive elements. Primordial heat and radioactive decay inside rocky rogueplanets could warm them for billions of years – perhaps enough to keep theplanets volcanically active and provide the energy for life to start.
第一,每个行星都有炙热核心,仍然保持着形成过程中的原始狂暴产生的热量。除此之外,它们还含有放射性元素。岩态的流浪行星内部的原始热能和放射性衰变,可温暖它们数十亿年– 也许足够保持行星上的火山活跃,为生命的开始提供能量。
Rogue planets could also have dense,heat-retaining atmospheres. Compared with gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn,Earth's atmosphere is thin and tenuous, because the Sun's heat and light havestripped away lighter gases like hydrogen. Mercury is so close to the Sun thatit barely has any atmosphere at all.
Yet on an Earth-sized rogue planet, farbeyond its parent star's influence, much of the original atmosphere mightremain in place. The resulting temperature and pressure could be enough tosustain liquid water at the surface, even without any sunlight.
What's more, rogue planets would not beplagued by giant meteorite impacts, as Earth has been.
If these ideas are right, then outside oursolar system rogue planets in interstellar space could be the closest placeswhere extraterrestrial life exists.