Japan's Olympic organisers have unveiledthe new official logos of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The logo, called Harmonized ChequeredEmblem, replaces the first choice which was thrown out last year after thedesigner was accused of plagiarism.
这个被称为“和式格纹”(日文名称“组市松纹”)的会徽取代了第一次的中选方案, 该方案去年因设计师被控剽窃而遭舍弃.
The designer denied stealing the idea.
Organisers said the new design usedtraditional Japanese colours and patterns to represent the intercultural themesof the Games.
组委会说, 新设计方案使用了日本的传统色彩和图案, 以体现奥运会的跨文化主题.
It incorporates the message of 'unity indiversity', they said, and the idea that the Games "seek to promotediversity as a platform to connect the world".
“它含有‘多元统一’的寓意,”组委会说, 体现了奥运会“寻求促进多元化作为连接世界的平台”的思想.
When designer Asao Tokolo found out he hadwon the re-opened contest he said "my mind has gone blank". "Iput a lot of time and effort into this design as though it was my own child.
当设计师野老朝雄发现自己在重新进行的竞标中获胜时, 他说: “我的大脑一片空白”. “我在这个设计中投入了很多时间和精力, 就像它是我自己的孩子一样.
The first design was rejected after Belgianartist Olivier Debie alleged it copied his design for a theatre logo.
第一次设计方案被废弃, 因为比利时艺术家奥利维尔.德比称该方案抄袭他为剧院标志做的设计.
The Games organising committee never agreedto the allegation of plagiarism but said there were too many doubts over theemblem for it to be used.
日本奥运组委会从未同意抄袭指控, 但表示外界对用它做会徽疑虑太多.
The logo dispute came shortly after Tokyodecided to scrap the designs for the main Olympic stadium because of spirallingconstruction costs.
A cheaper design, by Japanese architectKengo Kuma, was chosen in December last year.