Times have changed for Yu Xingzhi since China’s economic boom years. Despite the slowing economy, sales at Shanghai Caison Color Material Chemical, are holding up. The trouble is, her customers — garment manufacturers and packaging producers buying her dyes and inks — are taking more time to pay for what they buy.
对虞幸芝来说,与中国经济高速发展的时期相比,时代不同了。尽管经济不断放缓,但上海彩生色料化学股份有限公司(Shanghai Caison Color Material Chemical)的销售保持得还行。麻烦在于,她的客户——服装生产商和包装用品生产商——支付货款的周期越来越长。
“Receivables are the unavoidable problem for traditional manufacturers. If you don’t accept receivables, you have no business. It’s standard industry practice, even though no one likes it,” says Ms Yu, the dye maker’s general manager.
It is a vicious circle and one threatening the health of the economy. Ever longer delays in bills being paid is creating a chain of squeezed cashflow and debt that runs from large state owned enterprises through to smaller suppliers and even employees struggling to pay their own bills.
Listed companies had to wait a median 70 days to receive payment last year, the longest delay in 14 years, as cash flows tightened amid slack final demand. That compares with a median 60 days in 2014 and 46 days in 2011, according to Wind Information, a Chinese financial database.
随着最终需求疲弱导致现金流紧张,上市公司去年收到应收账款的中位数时间达到70天,是14年来最长的拖延。中国金融数据提供商万得资讯(Wind Information)的数据显示,2014年和2011年的收款中位数时间分别是60天和46天。
Ms Yu says that an increasing share of customers now insist on paying with a bankers’ acceptance rather than cash. Similar to a post-dated cheque, bankers acceptances are a kind of IOU from a company and its bank. Ms Xu says that a few years ago, 5 to 10 per cent of her sales were paid this way, but that has now risen to 20 to 30 per cent. Most cannot be cashed for 90 or 180 days.
Nor does the problem end with Ms Yu. “We have no choice but to pass the delays upstream (to our suppliers),” she says.
China’s supply chain is more dense than in Europe or the US, and often concentrated in localities — meaning bills that go unpaid for months have a knock-on effect that can quickly rip through entire industrial ecosystems.
Thus when Shenzhen Eycom Technology Co, which makes hardware and software for mobile phones, held up payments two of its Shenzhen-listed vendors were forced to warn investors in stock exchange filings. In Nanchang city, in China’s southern Jiangxi province, a small manufacturer of medical-grade plastic blamed late payments from customers for its inability to pay Rmb1.1m in salaries to more than 120 employees last September, prompting a fine from the local labour bureau, according to local media.
因此当制造手机软硬件产品的深圳亿通科技(Shenzhen Eycom Technology Co)拖欠货款时,它的两家在深圳上市的供应商被迫在提交给交易所的监管申报中向投资者发出警告。据当地媒体报道,在中国江西省南昌市,一家生产医用塑料的小型制造商去年9月将其拖欠120多名员工110万元人民币工资、招致当地劳动局罚款归咎于客户拖欠货款。
The woes of the Shenzhen group, which operates in a notoriously competitive and low-margin industry, illustrate what economists say is the crux of the problem: weak final demand, especially in low-end manufacturing sectors wracked with overcapacity. Companies must whittle down inventories before they have enough cash to pay suppliers.
But the build-up of receivables also reflects bottlenecks in the financial system. China’s central bank has eased monetary policy substantially since late 2014. But looser money often fails to reach smaller, privately owned businesses that struggle most in paying their bills on time.
“It looks like liquidity is very ample, but a lot of that is being used to help the real estate sector re-finance. It's not circulating widely through the economy,” says Shao Yu, economist at Oriental Securities in Shanghai.
The banks, however, sniff opportunity in the rising stock of receivables: both financing and securitising payments. Financing is dominated by the Big 4 state-owned “bad banks”, which once exclusively purchased non-performing loans from commercial banks but have now diversified into other distressed assets.
At China Huarong Asset Management, the country’s biggest bad bank, nearly two thirds of newly acquired assets, or Rmb147bn, were from non-banks in 2015. Non-bank assets were “mainly” corporate receivables, Huarong said in its annual report. Following years of pilot projects, in February, eight government agencies led by the People's Bank of China issued policy guidelines that pledged to “accelerate securitisation of receivables” in order to “revitalise the stock of industrial assets”.
在中国最大的坏账银行——中国华融资产管理公司(China Huarong Asset Management),2015新收购的资产中有近三分之二(1470亿元人民币)来自非银行机构。华融在其年报中表示,非银行资产“主要”是企业应收账款。在进行多年的试点项目后,以中国人民银行为首的8个部委在今年2月公布了政策指导建议,承诺“加快推进应收账款证券化”以“盘活工业企业存量资产”。
Many Hong Kong exporters have adopted a 30-40-30 structure to keep cashflows running, whereby customers make partial payment before, during and after shipment.
Willy Lin, managing director of Hong Kong-based Milo’s Knitwear — which exports upmarket China-made clothes to Europe — says he and other Hong Kong exporters are “playing safe” with payment terms. He typically uses a 30-40-30 structure in which customers make partial payment before, during and after shipment.
向欧洲出口中国制造高档服装的香港美罗针织厂(Milo's Knitwear)的董事总经理林宣武(Willy Lin)表示,他和香港其他出口商在付款方面“求稳”。他通常利用30-40-30结构,即客户在货物发运前、运输途中以及交付后分批付款。
Mr Lin says that high-end manufacturers, whose customers cannot easily switch to a competitor, have more bargaining power, but that he is aware many smaller Chinese manufacturers face increasing difficulty.
“The problem is quite common in mainland private enterprises because many of the companies rely on guanxi (connections) and nepotism to make a business deal. A deal usually comes from friend of a friend or someone’s relatives,” says Mr Lin.