Japan’s domestically built X-2 stealth fighter took off from Nagoya on Friday in a maiden flight that highlights the accelerating arms race in East Asia.
The X-2 “Shinshin” — with the characteristically angular look of aircraft designed to evade radar detection — departed early on Friday morning and landed safely at Gifu air base about 25 minutes later.
Built by Mitsubishi, which manufactured the “Zero” fighter during the second world war, the flight highlights the growing capability of a Japanese aerospace industry that for decades has relied on the US.
But with billions of dollars in development costs needed to turn the X-2 into a fighting aircraft, the flight also shows the painful choices ahead for Japan as it tries to keep up with China’s growing military might.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has raised Japan’s defence budget every year of his premiership but Japan’s stagnant economy means it is falling ever further behind China.
日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)上任后逐年提高了日本的防卫预算,但日本停滞的经济意味着它正被中国甩得越来越远。
Development of the X-2 reflects Japan’s dismay as it watches two powerful neighbours, Russia and China, develop stealth fighters while its US ally refuses to sell an equivalent aircraft.
Sukhoi of Russia has built a stealth fighter called the T-50 while China is developing the Chengdu J-20. Both are expected to enter service in coming years, raising the prospect that Japan’s defences — over the disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu islands, for example — will be outclassed.
俄罗斯的苏霍伊(Sukhoi)已经造出了T-50隐形战斗机,而中国的成都飞机工业集团正在研制歼-20战斗机(J-20)。二者都有望在几年后服役,这可能会让日本的防卫——比如对有争议的尖阁诸岛(Senkaku Islands,中国称钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿)的防卫——处于极大的劣势。
The US, however, has refused to sell Japan its own stealth fighter, the F-22 Raptor, leaving Tokyo to rely on the less stealthy and less powerful F-35.
但美国却拒绝向日本出售其F-22“猛禽”隐形战斗机(F-22 Raptor),东京方面不得不仰仗隐形和战斗能力不那么强的F-35战斗机。
That has prompted Japan to start its own stealth fighter programme.