日期:2016-04-26 09:56


Japanese regulators have raided the research and development centre of Mitsubishi Motors after the carmaker admitted to falsifying fuel economy data on more than 600,000 vehicles.

日本国土交通省官员突击搜查了三菱汽车(Mitsubishi Motors)研发中心。此前,该公司承认伪造了逾60万辆汽车的燃油经济性数据。

The move by transport ministry officials came as investors balked at the scandal’s financial impact, which some analysts said could cost Japan’s sixth-largest automobile maker almost $950m.


A flood of sell orders required a suspension of trading in Mitsubishi’s shares on Thursday, before the stock dropped by a daily limit of 20 per cent to ¥583.


The transport ministry said its officials raided Mitsubishi’s laboratories in Okazaki, central Japan, where the alleged misconduct is believed to have taken place.


Mitsubishi executives have said some of its employees had overstated fuel efficiency by 5 to 10 per cent on four types of small cars made and sold in Japan.


Test data were confiscated in two raids by officials that took place on Wednesday and Thursday.


Mitsubishi said it was fully co-operating with the investigation, and Tetsuro Aikawa, president, has apologised for the misconduct.

三菱汽车表示自己将全力配合调查,该公司社长相川哲郎(Tetsuro Aikawa)也就不当行为表示道歉。

The transport ministry declined to comment on what penalties it might impose on Mitsubishi, saying its inquiry was at an early stage.


But Yoshihide Suga, Japan’s chief cabinet secretary, urged the ministry to take a “strict response”, describing the fuel data manipulation as “extremely serious”.

但日本内阁官房长官菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)敦促国土交通省要作出“严厉回应”,称燃油数据操纵行为的性质“极其严重”。

The cheating at Mitsubishi could also have serious consequences for the car industry, with regulators worldwide already moving to tighten regulations on fuel economy and pollution following the emissions scandal at Volkswagen.


While the nature of the scandals at Mitsubishi and VW are different, Kota Yuzawa, analyst at Goldman Sachs, said a common problem was the gap between the performance of vehicles in the lab compared with real-world driving conditions.

虽然三菱与大众的丑闻性质不同,但高盛(Goldman Sachs)分析师汤泽康太(Kota Yuzawa)表示,一个普遍存在的问题是,车辆在实验室里的表现与其在现实世界驾驶条件下的表现有差距。

He added that the scandal at Mitsubishi will accelerate debate about the need to close this gap.


  • misconductn. 不端行为 vt. 对 ... 处理不当
  • strictadj. 严格的,精确的,完全的
  • manipulationn. 操纵,控制,窜改
  • responsen. 回答,响应,反应,答复 n. [宗]答复语,
  • efficiencyn. 效率,功率
  • performancen. 表演,表现; 履行,实行 n. 性能,本事
  • debaten. 辩论,讨论 vt. 争论,思考 vi. 商讨,辩论
  • extremelyadv. 极其,非常
  • cabinetn. 橱柜,内阁 adj. 私人的
  • acceleratevt. 加速,提前,跳级 vi. 加速