Movie Themed hotels are rising in popularity, as they allow us to step into another world. For one night we can live the life of our favourite movie character – entering a fictional world in a very real setting.
10.Harry Potter--Georgian House Hotel, London
Ever since the release of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone on 30th June, 1997, the whole world has dreamt of attending Hogwarts. While you may not be able to go the magical school, Georgian House Hotel has brought Hogwarts to you.
Located in Central London, it's the ideal destination for those heading off on a Harry Potter-inspired adventure, as the hotel is located to many of the iconic landmarks from the movie, including the 9 ¾ platform at King's Cross Station. You will feel just like Harry himself as you bunk down in the Wizard Chambers, which offers four poster beds and even potion bottles and cauldrons!
乔治亚宅邸酒店位于伦敦的城市中心,对于所有向往哈利波特式奇幻冒险的人来说,这里是绝佳的目的地。该酒店融入了大量电影中的地标式建筑,其中包括国王十字车站的9 ¾ 站台。如果在巫师房中休息,你会觉得自己正处在哈利波特的魔法世界,这类房间配备有四柱木床、魔法药水瓶、以及炼药的大汽锅!
9.The Hobbit House -- Montana, USA
If you love Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit but don't want to travel across the world to New Zealand, consider a trip to The Hobbit House in Montana, USA. This amazing replica of the Tolkien world is bound to be a hit with fans of the movies and books, and they even feature the trademark round green doors.
8.James Bond -- Seven Hotel -- Paris, France
Have you always wanted to feel as effortlessly cool as 007? You can in James Bond-inspired suite at Hotel Seven in Paris, France. It's as sophisticated as our favourite secret agent, and offers all the class and style that 007 has been synonymous for in the movies.
7.Frozen Suite--Hotel De Glace – Quebec, Canada
Frozen is one of the most successful animation movies of all time, with adults and children across the world signing the hit soundtrack 'Let It Go'. Fans everywhere will fall in love with Hotel De Glace's Frozen Suite. It's simply stunning and is therefore ideal for both young and old, as they will feel just like Elsa in this breathtaking hotel in Quebec. You can even take a tour of the hotel for just $17.50 – and yes, it is worth it!
《冰雪奇缘》作为最成功的动画电影之一,其主题曲《Let It Go》传遍了世界的大街小巷,早已成为大人和孩子心目中的神曲。世界各地的影迷都会爱上冰雪酒店里的冰雪奇缘套房。冰雪酒店精妙绝伦,对任何人而言都是理想的度假胜地!人们可以在魁北克这家令人称奇的酒店体验艾丽萨的神奇世界。你甚至可以额外花费17.5美金游览整个酒店——没错,它值得你这样做!
6.Alice in Wonderland -- Wonderland House -- Brighton, England
Experience the wonder of Alice in Wonderland at Wonderland House in Brighton. You can enjoy a comfortable night stay in the Queen of Hearts Bedroom, or even feel just like the main character in Alice's bedroom. Offering all the whimsy from the Lewis Carroll novel, and all the fun of the movie and animation, you cannot help but fall in love with this amazing hotel in England.
翻译:木木 审校:晴晴晴天 来源:前十网