Mitsubishi Motors has admitted it deliberately altered testing data to show better fuel consumption rates for four of its mini-car models sold in Japan.
三菱汽车(Mitsubishi Motors)已承认自己故意更改了测试数据,以证明其在日本销售的四款微型车具有更低的耗油率。
Japan’s sixth-largest automaker said it will halt production and sales of the four affected models, including two supplied to Nissan. The four models are the ek Wagon, eK Space, Dayz and Dayz Roox, involving about 625,000 vehicles.
这家日本第六大汽车制造商表示,将暂停这四款受影响车型——其中包括两款供应给日产(Nissan)的车型——的生产和销售。这四款车型是ek Wagon、eK Space、Dayz和Dayz Roox,总计涉及约62.5万辆车。
“We offer our deepest apology,” president Tetsuro Aikawa said at a packed news conference. “We will get to the bottom of why this misconduct was carried out.”
三菱汽车社长相川哲郎(Tetsuro Aikawa)在拥挤的新闻发布会上表示:“我们致以最深的歉意。我们将对造成这起不当行为的原因一查到底。”
The company will set up a committee to look into the issue consisting of outside experts, he added.
An internal investigation, triggered by questions raised by Nissan, found that the company’s testing method did not comply with requirements under Japanese law.
Mitsubishi Motors said the improper testing method was carried out for vehicles sold in Japan, and that it will also investigate cars sold in overseas markets.
Shares in Mitsubishi Motors fell the most in more than a decade on Wednesday, dropping 15 per cent after the Japanese carmaker called the press conference.
The global auto industry has been rocked by scandals over the past two years, first with the mass recalls prompted by concerns over airbags made by Japanese firm Takata, and subsequently by Volkswagen’s admission last year that it had cheated US emissions tests.