生活上的压力山大 骂脏话能让人放松吗1
日期:2016-04-23 11:17


Warning: This article contains very stronglanguage that may offend some readers.


After a frustrating day at the office, manyof us need to blow off a little steam. Some of us head to the gym to sweat outour anger. Others, out to a bar to vent to a friend over a drink. But what ifthe best way to release tension is by combining the two?


In a pub in Calgary, Canada, yogaenthusiasts are encouraged to do just that with a new twist on an ancient art:Rage Yoga. This new concept takes the quiet, zen-like environment of a yogaclass and flips it on its head — those who attend the classes are encouraged toswear and shout between poses, and stick around afterwards for a beer.

在加拿大卡尔加里(Calgary)的一家酒吧里,受到鼓励之后,瑜伽爱好者们给这种古代艺术增添了新的变化:愤怒瑜伽(Rage Yoga)。这种新的概念颠覆了安静、禅意的瑜伽课氛围——参加者会被鼓励在动作的间隙咒骂、喊叫,之后留下来喝啤酒。

Creator Lindsay Istace, 24, who teachesflexibility and wellness, stumbled upon the idea of releasing her anger withher asanas (yoga poses, postures and positions) after a bad breakup. “I was ina really rough spot,” Istace explained. “I was very hurt and angry andconfused.” She found she was inadvertently incorporating expletives into herdaily yoga practice.Yes, it’s real and expletives are very welcome. “Foullanguage, laughter and shenanigans,” are what you can expect during a class,according to the company’s website, which combines stretching, positional exercises and badhumour, with the goal of attaining good health. The one hour class costs CAD$12($9.20) and includes two tickets for discounted beer.

这种瑜伽的创建者是24岁的林赛·伊斯塔斯(Lindsay Istace),她是柔韧性和健身教练。在一次很糟糕的分手后,她碰巧想到了把瑜伽体位法(瑜伽的姿势和动作)和泄愤结合起来。“我当时的心情跌落谷底,”伊斯塔斯解释道,“我受到了很大的伤害,感到愤怒,不知所措。”一不留神,她发现自己一边在做日常的瑜伽练习,一边开始咒骂。是的,这是真的,我们也欢迎脏话。根据该公司的网站,你在课上会听到“脏话、大笑和胡诌”,它把拉伸、姿势练习和坏脾气结合起来,目的是让身体更加健康。一小时的课要花12加拿大元(9.2美元),还包括2张啤酒打折券。

The benefits of yoga and meditation arewell documented — the activities help many people manage stress and improvefocus and overall health. Indeed, many workplaces now encourage such practices.But swearing? There are surprising upsides. Studies have shown that saltylanguage can increase pain tolerance, make us appear more persuasive at workand in certain group settings, create a sense of solidarity. So, could meldinghumour, serenity and swearing offer a new pathway to personal peace andmindfulness and help us cope with the stress of work and day-to-day life?


Safe place


Istace said swearing helped release hernegative emotions in a safe environment. “I went from screaming and swearingand crying to laughing at myself. When you actually create yourself that spaceto really let loose, suddenly it’s hard to take yourself and your problems soseriously.”


After laughing about the idea of Rage Yogawith friends, she decided to create a workshop for festivals. It was a hit. Soshe designed a class catering to the after-work crowd. Istace said the idea hastaken off. “It just seemed like this really cool concept that people wereactually connecting with. So it started off as a joke, but you know after doingit a couple of times, we realised there was something there.”


Classes start with a calm, peaceful momentwhere Istace asks attendees “let go of the shit-storm of their day”. Theswearing is also incorporated throughout the class. "And at the end of the class, too,instead of saying ‘namaste’ we actually say ‘fuck yeah’,”Istacesaid.


She isn’t the only one to cotton on to theidea that serenity, silliness and swearing might make for a heady combinationwhen it comes to mindfulness. Jason Headley, a writer and director who lives inSan Francisco, created F*ck That: An Honest Meditation, a YouTube video whichhas attracted more than 6.5 million views, after joking with his wife about thesoothing voice on a guided meditation recording.

懂得把平静、愚蠢和咒骂结合起来,培养专注力的不止伊斯塔斯一人。在旧金山生活的作家、导演简森·黑德利(Jason Headley)创作了一部名为“操他的:一次真诚的冥想”(F*ck That: An Honest Meditation)、观看次数达到650万次的YouTube视频。创作的起因是他和妻子调侃一段冥想指导录影中舒缓的语调。

“I keyed in on the voice of the guy,” said Headley in an emailinterview. “And I started doing that voice around the house just to make uslaugh. One day my wife was upset about something and I said, in the calm,soothing voice, ‘Just acknowledge that all that shit is fucking bullshit.’And welaughed a lot. And then we said, ‘Maybe that’s something.’”


So Headley wrote, refined and recorded ascript. “I wanted it to be just the right amount of soothing and swearing.Once I had it right, I put it up on YouTube in July 2015 and it just took off.”


  • sweatn. 汗,汗水 v. (使)出汗 n. (凝结在物
  • releasen. 释放,让渡,发行 vt. 释放,让与,准予发表,发
  • acknowledgevt. 承认,公认,告知收到,表示感谢,注意到
  • directorn. 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
  • conceptn. 概念,观念
  • stressn. 紧张,压力 v. 强调,着重 vt. 强调 n.
  • meditationn. 沉思,冥想
  • environmentn. 环境,外界
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • twistv. 拧,捻,搓,扭曲 n. 扭曲,盘旋,捻,拧