Pay attention to your breathing and posture.
Breathing deeply before you speak gives more power to your words. Make sure you breathe with your diaphragm - the sheet of muscle below your ribcage. If you have poor posture when you speak, it can negatively affect your vocal power. Stand or sit straight and breathe deeply. There are lots of resources online about how to develop a better speaking voice. Use them!
Don't speak too fast!
Speaking too fast can be a sign that you lack confidence. Imagine listening to someone who speaks really fast - "reallyfastlikeaguywhobrokehiscomputer'sspacebar." How exhausting would that be? Don't be that guy! Speak slowly and clearly. Doing so lends your words more weight (so choose them wisely!).
说话过快可能是一个迹象,表明你缺乏信心。想象一下,谁听别人说话非常快- "reallyfastlikeaguywhobrokehiscomputer'sspacebar 。 "那有多累呀?不要成为那家伙!说话缓慢,清晰。这样做的时候会使你的话更有分量(所以要明智地选择他们呦! ) 。
Speak loudly and clearly(...but don't start shouting!)
This lets people hear you without straining. Speaking too softly can also be interpreted as a sign of low confidence. If I'm speaking too softly, I imagine talking to a space a meter behind the head of the person I'm talking to. It usually helps me turn up the volume quite a bit!
Vary your pitch,cadence and delivery.
This is SO IMPORTANT!!! If I ever have trouble getting to sleep, all I have to do is imagine listening to my old history teacher, Mr. Lucas. He had the most boring, monotone voice I have ever heard! I used to get in trouble for going to sleep in his class all the time. History was one of my favorite subjects at school but this man could send a clock to sleep! He would begin most classes "Once upon a mwug mwug mwaggg, there was a bwamwug mwug... and on that mggwang grwwaannn..." and then POW!!! I'd wake up with his hand slapping me across the head and discover I'd slept through most of the lesson!
这是如此重要!如果我无法进入睡眠,我需要做的就是听我想象的历史老师,卢卡斯先生。他是我出生以来听到的最枯燥,单调的声音!我曾经会一直想在他课堂上睡觉。历史是我最喜欢的科目,但在学校这个人好像可以让我设定好时间睡觉!他每次开始上课,都这样说"以前mwug mwug mwaggg ,有一个bwamwug mwug ...并在此mggwang grwwaannn ... "然后Pow,他一巴掌把我打醒,才发现我已经睡了大半节课。 So please, when you're talking, vary the way you speak and don't be a monotone speaker! 所以,请你说话时,不同的方式来说话,不要成为一个单调发言者!
Lastly, have something to say!
This is probably the most difficult tip of all, but don't bore your audience with stories that go nowhere or drone on and on and on. Talk about things topics other than yourself and remember to LISTEN as well!
We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. - Epicetus
Being a good listener is also an extremely attractive quality in a man! Am I right, ladies?