Nearly 250,000 people have been told toleave their homes amid fears of further quakes in Japan, an aid agency says.
由于担心会发生更多地震, 近25万人被告知离开家园,某援助机构说.
Naoki Kokawa, advisor to the Japanese RedCross Society, told the BBC that more medical teams were being dispatched toevacuation centres.
日本红十字会顾问古川直树对BBC说, 正在向疏散中心派出更多医疗队.
Two powerful earthquakes hit thesouth-western island of Kyushu last week killing at least 42 people. More than1,000 people are injured and there has been widespread damage to buildings,houses, roads and bridges.
上周, 日本西南部九州岛遭遇两次强震, 导致至少42人罹难. 超过1千人受伤, 楼房屋宇和道路桥梁大面积损坏.
About 30,000 rescue workers are looking forsurvivors. Police said 11 people are still missing, public broadcaster NHKreported.
约3万救援人员搜寻生还者. 警方说, 11人仍然下落不明, 公共广播公司NHK报道说.
Some evacuees have complained about limitedfood supplies, saying they had just two rice balls for dinner, reports said.Others complained about a lack of water.
部分被疏散人员抱怨有限的食物供给,说他们正餐只有两个饭团, 报道说. 其他人则诉苦缺水.
Without water and electricity, we can't doanything. Without the TV, we can't even get information about disaster reliefoperations,'' Megumi Kudo told the Associated Press while queuing for water ata community centre in Aso city. We can't take a bath - not even a shower.''
“没水没电,我们啥也干不了. 没电视, 我们连救灾新闻都看不了.”工藤惠对美联社说, 她在阿苏市某社区中心排队领水. “我们没法洗澡, 连冲澡都不行.”
But, responding to opposition criticisms ofthe relief effort in parliament, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe insisted thegovernment was doing its best. "We are striving to improve livingconditions for the people who have sought refuge," he said. "Today,tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, we will be working toward a fullrecovery."
但首相安倍在国会回应反对派对救灾努力的攻讦时坚称, 政府在竭尽所能. “我们正力争改善避难人员的生活条件.”他说. “今天,明天,后天, 我们将朝着全面恢复努力.”
Saturday's magnitude-7.3 quake struck at01:25 (15:25 GMT on Friday) close to the city of Kumamoto, which had been hitby a magnitude-6.4 quake on Thursday night. Both quakes were shallow, causinghuge damage to roads, bridges and tunnels. Big landslides cut off remotemountain villages.
周六的7.3级地震于当地时间1:25 (格林威治时间周五15:25)发生在熊本市附近, 该市周四晚上已发生过6.4级地震. 两次地震均为浅表地震, 造成道路,桥梁和隧道的巨大损坏. 大型山体滑坡切断了偏远山村与外界的联系.
The US military said it was preparing toprovide aerial support for Japan's relief efforts. America has several militarybases and about 50,000 troops in the country.
美国军方表示, 准备为日本的救灾工作提供空中支援. 美国在日本有数个军事基地, 约5万军人.
The earthquakes are the biggest to have hitJapan since 2011 when a 9.0 magnitude quake caused a huge tsunami, leaving morethan 19,000 dead and missing.
此次地震是2011年以来日本发生的最大地震. 2011年的9级地震引发海啸,导致超过1.9万人死亡和失踪.
Japan is regularly hit by earthquakes butstrict building codes mean they usually cause minimal damage.
日本经常遭受震灾, 但严格的建筑法规意味着能把地震造成的损害降至最低