Soggy US growth in the early months of the year has raised new questions over the next Federal Reserve interest rate rise as policymakers balance evidence of strong corporate hiring against softer activity and inflation numbers.
James Bullard, president of the St Louis Federal Reserve, said in an interview on Friday that weak first-quarter growth numbers were “somewhat concerning” and supported arguments for patience as the central bank assessed the pace at which it lifts rates.
上周五,圣路易斯联邦储备银行(St Louis Federal Reserve)行长詹姆斯•布拉德(James Bullard)在访谈中表示,疲软的美国一季度增长数字“有些令人担忧”,在美联储评估其加息节奏之际,他支持要耐心一些的理由。
He spoke a day after Dennis Lockhart, president of the Atlanta Fed, signalled he would no longer be pushing for an interest rate move this month as soft spending and price growth “gives me pause”.
在他发表讲话一天之前,亚特兰大联邦储备银行行长丹尼斯•洛克哈特(Dennis Lockhart)曾释放信号表示,他不会再推动在本月调整利率,原因是疲软的支出和价格上涨“让我犹豫”。
Janet Yellen, Fed chair, last month sent a strong message that she wanted to proceed cautiously given the overseas risks confronting the central bank.
上个月,美联储主席珍妮特•耶伦(Janet Yellen)曾传递出强烈信号表示,考虑到美联储面临的境外风险,她希望谨慎从事。
A rate move at the Fed’s April 26-27 meeting now appears to be off the table, and some analysts question whether the central bank will be ready to pull the trigger on a second rate increase as soon as June.