Laxmi led me forward and pointedimmediately to the closest feature: some corrugated metal stalls lined up onthe hard ground, black numbers painted on their doors. “The toilets,” sheannounced in surprisingly clear English. “One, two, three, four. And twoshowers.”These were the total sanitary facilities, I realized, for the350-plus men, women, and children who made their home in this refugee camp.
Our tour continued. I was surprised by howlively the camp was. In the study tent, three laughing teenage girls did theirhomework together on a pile of Tibetan carpets. The kitchen tent held a huge,steaming cauldron lifted out of an Ali Baba tale. There was an altar tent withoffering bowls around a small Buddhist shrine, and a community tent where adozen children sat in front of an old TV, enraptured by a Hindi soap opera. Iwas quickly hypnotized as well.
Laxmi tugged me away. “Come on,” shedirected. There was much more to see: the medical tent, the pantry, the tentthat she, her parents and siblings shared with three other families. She wasespecially proud of the office tent, which the children had helped decoratewith snapshot-filled bulletin boards and ribbon-festooned sport trophies
I was also introduced to her friends:Binita, who dreamed of becoming a flight attendant on TAP Portugal Airlines;Laxmi’s willowy sister, Dabuthi; and two young twins who, my guideconfided in a whisper, “are too much loving chocolate”.
But it was Laxmi who won my heart. She wassmart, defiant, articulate and self-possessed. Her father shared my admiration:tattooed on his chest was a portrait of his daughter.
I visited Camp Hope several more times:once to bring chocolate for the twins (and the other 79 children, of course)and again to celebrate Diwali, a beautiful, five-day festival dedicated to thegoddess of wealth, Laxmi, for whom my new friend had been named. The opening dayscelebrate cows, dogs and even crows; but on the final day, bhai tika, sistersoffer long-life blessings to their brothers, who offer back gifts and blessthem in turn. I was honoured to take part. As part of the proceedings, myforehead was emblazoned with an elaborate tika: a vertical rainbow ofprotective smudges.
Inside the community tent, a traditionaldance presentation began. Laxmi stood behind me, one hand on my shoulder,studying me as I took photographs. She waited patiently for the moment I tuckedmy camera back into its case, then tapped me on the shoulder. “Can I takepictures?”
Normally I’d hesitate before handing mycamera to a child. But Laxmi never seemed like a child to me. I turned on theshutter, and showed her how to operate the focus, zoom and review. Most otherkids would have been nodding eagerly, restless to go. But Laxmi watchedpatiently. When I’d finished, she brought the viewfinder to her eye, nodded brieflyand skipped off.
At Dwarika’s that night, editing my photos,I was briefly baffled. I didn’t remember taking the shot of Laxmi’s fatherdisplaying his tattoo, or the slightly blurred action photo of a dancing girlin a blue silk dress. When had I captured that glum teenager, framed by bamboopoles, gazing with melancholy at her new home? Or those grinning brothers, withmulti-coloured tikas on their foreheads?
I had not. I realized, amazed, that thesewere the work of Laxmi Shrestha. Along with her other gifts, she was aninstinctive photographer with a mature, insightful eye.
我突然意识到,这些照片不是我拍的,而是拉克希米·施雷萨(Laxmi Shrestha)的作品。除了其他天赋外,她竟然还是一位拥有成熟而深刻洞察力的天才摄影师。
I stared at her images, and understoodsomething. I had seen Camp Hope as a temporary caravan of dull canvas tents ona flat dirt lot, dogs lounging in ruts, a few toilet sheds standing by abarbed-wired fence. But Laxmi helped me see beyond this. To her, Camp Hope washome. It was a labyrinth, a playground, a place to shape and explore and infusewith creative imagination.
I don’t know what Sindhupalchowk had beenlike before it was swallowed by the Earth. But I’m sure that, like allvillages, it was tied to long memories and anchored in traditions. Camp Hope,on the other hand, is a new environment: a place that the children and adultsare creating together, from scratch. Many of the things that had made theirmountain village magical – animals, old stonewalls, terraced hillsides -– aremissing. But there is a different spell to this place, which I witnessedthrough Laxmi’s eyes.
In mid-November, after three weeks inNepal, I returned home to work on my stories. The day before I left Kathmandu,Laxmi -– in pigtails and a donated down jacket – walked me to the Camp Hopegate. “Travel safely, and write well,” she said earnestly. “And come back soon.”
I plan to. During the past few months I’vepartnered with Looking Glass, a beloved photographers’ store in Berkeley,California. We’ve sent five digital cameras and cases to Sangita and Pedro, whohave put them in the hands of Camp Hope’s children. The kids are already beinginstructed by Min Bajracharaya, a respected Nepali photographer.
我的确是这么计划的。过去几个月,我已经与加州伯克利的Looking Glass摄影店展开了合作。我们给桑吉塔和佩德罗寄去了5台数码相机和相机包,让他们转交给“希望营”的孩子们。那些孩子已经获得了尼泊尔著名摄影师明·巴拉查拉亚(Min Bajracharaya)的指导。
I’ll be back at CampHope this spring, this time to edit their work. And next Diwali, in November 2016, I hope to escort a few of the children,including Laxmi, to the opening of their own photo exhibition in northernCalifornia.
Temporarily, for me at least, this chain ofchance encounters has paused. Its energy has spilled into a cluster of villagekids who, a year ago, could never have foreseen where life’s tectonic dancemight take them. And though I dread earthquakes as much as any Nepali –-myhometowns of Oakland and Kathmandu are sister cities in this respect –I findmyself hoping that some of the tremors that began last April will continue formany months to come.