7 Steps To Make Her Heart Belongs To You
For the Guys!!!!
Gals pls pass to your guy frenz!!
All of you guys out there might be wondering exactly what you need to do to win a girl's heart? This may seem like a difficult task, but it doesn't have to be. If you are one of the many men who want to learn how to win a girl's heart, you should read our steps and tips for ways to win a girl over. Here are the Top 7 steps what every guy should do to win a girl's heart!
1. Always Be Confidence
Women absolutely love guys who are comfortable with themselves. To them, a confident man demonstrates a level of high status where he doesn't worry about the outcome of any conversation. A confident guy enjoys time spent with women, instead of focusing on everything that could go wrong.
2. Always be Flirting
The best kind of flirtation with a woman is to tease her, to bust her balls, to let her know that she is not on a pedestal. Make fun of her. Be indifferent to her interest.
3. Send mixed signals.
Yeah, it's a bit childish but necessary. One day call her and compliment her, then don't call or speak to her for two days. She'll wonder why you haven't called, which means you'll be on her mind. Never go so far as to compliment her one day and make fun of her the next. Subtlety is key.
4. Make her Laugh.
Women love to laugh! So, use a good sense of humor is one of the best tactics a man can have in attracting a girl. It will impress them and she may think that you are an interesting guy.
5. Always Have Fun
If you're not having fun when you go out, then you've killed any chance of attracting women. Instead, the more you can do to relax and enjoy yourself, the more you'll be able to project an aura of positive energy and confidence. When you learn to have fun, you'll have incredible success with women.
6. Be A Romantic Guy.
If you want to steal her heart and make it yours, then you should be a romantic guy. Instead of just looking at the surface of a woman, you should looks within her to find the beautiful part and use your imagination for making poetic comments, interesting stories, and emotional interpretation in everything.
7. Respect yourself and keep your own interests
When a guy meets a woman he likes, he often wants to spend as much time as possible with her. This is natural, but there is a big danger here as well. If you put your life aside for a woman, you will become less interesting to her. As soon as you start acting like she's going to be around forever, she'll start feeling less and less ATTRACTION for you
Pay Attention to your appearance.
Be a gentleman without hanging all over her.
Never forget to always act yourself and never try to be someone you aren't.
Never Become A Boring Person.
Do not cheat on her. You may never win her heart back.
Don't tell her everything about yourself because women like a man with a bit of mystery to him and vice-versa
Finally if you follow the top 7 steps on how to win a girl's heart, then I am sure her heart will belong to you before you know it. But remember the most importantly is that you need to demonstrate that you are a "prize" worth fighting for. You need to turn the woman's mindset around and have her thinking that she needs to pursue you. You have to convince her that you are one that she definitely doesn't want to let get away.
1. 始终保持自信
2. 不断地调情
3. 发出模棱两可的信号
4. 逗她笑
5. 始终保持娱乐精神
6. 做个浪漫的人
7. 尊重自我并保持你自己的兴趣