5.Jennifer Aniston Almost Didn't Appear In The Last Season
Ok, if you're going to have a season of Friends without Rachel, you might as well just shut the whole thing down. In the words of Chandler Bing, could the series be any more terrible without Rachel making a substantial appearance in each episode? Moreover, you'd probably have to shut the whole thing down if any of the cast members couldn't appear in a season. There has been various sitcoms with ensemble casts, and on many of these sitcoms cast members would invariably leave after garnering movie fame. With some shows this led to an almost instant dismantling of the series' magic (um, hi, The Office and That 70's Show) but somehow these shows would still manage to trudge on for at least a few more seasons.
That being said, with a show where each member of the ensemble was so intimately conducive to every episode and storyline (sidebar: Chandler and Phoebe were originally going to supporting cast members but thank goodness the creators decided to forego that route), the show wouldn't have been able to sustain its magic or watchability without each character being involved. Still, after several seasons, Aniston had garnered substantial fame thanks to movie success and a high profile marriage to movie star Brad Pitt. In an interview, she spoke of her hesitations to continue the series after it had spanned almost a decade. "I had a couple issues I was dealing with," she said. "I wanted it to end when people still loved us and we were on a high. And then I was also feeling like, 'How much more of Rachel do I have in me?'" Obviously, Aniston agreed to a final season and we were given one last Ross/Rachel hoorah. Spoiler alert: Ross and Rachel end up together because of course they ended up together. It would have been a crime if they hadn't!
4."The One Where's No One's Ready" Was Based Due to Budget Issues
In "The One Where No One's Ready" from season 3, the episode centers on all of the friends having separate issues (albeit, hilarious ones) getting ready for Ross's benefit:
After her breakup with Richard, Monica is experiencing severe anxiety over a message she left on his answering machine and this anxiety is only furthered when she attempts to access and erase the message. Her efforts lead to her accidentally replacing Richard's outgoing voicemail with said message. It's so cringe-worthy but fantastic. Rachel can't pick an outfit to save her life, which ends in Ross becoming so frustrated that he snaps at her and Rachel almost foregoes the event entirely. It isn't until Ross offers to drink a cup of rendered chicken fat Monica—a chef—had been storing in the fridge that the two kiss and make up. Phoebe is the only one dressed and ready to go, until a giant glob of hummus besmirches her gown and she and the other girls attempt to clean the spot and cover it up. Phoebe finally decides on covering the stain with a heinous oversized Christmas bow, which Ross gasps at initially but then accepts as perfectly suitable in an attempt to get the gang out the door in time. Chandler and Joey get into a tiff, which results in a hilarious war where Joey steals the cushions from the couch Chandler is sitting on, which Chandler refers to as the "essence" of the couch. Chandler retaliates by taking Joey's underwear, and being that Joey is going "commando" at that moment, he is livid and feels unable to change for the event (he "rented" a tux, and isn't willing to "go commando in another man's fatigues"). Joey won't go down without a fight, and responds to the confiscation of his underwear by doing "the exact opposite" to Chandler, which is…wearing all of Chandler's clothes? All scenes—minus a very brief scene at the end which shows the gang at the event they have spent the majority of the episode getting ready for—in this episode take place in Monica's apartment. Many wouldn't have given a second thought to this setup, being that the storyline was cause for everyone to congregate in one place. However, the scenes of the episode were concentrated in one area due to the fact that—at the times—the show's budget was not allowing for shooting in different locations or the addition of guest stars.
3.Traits of Chandler and Joey were Based on Suggestions from Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc
Joey and Chandler were best friends for the series' entirety, and roommates for several seasons. Their dynamic was complimented by their differences in personality—Joey was able to be suave with the ladies but arguably dim-witted at times, while Chandler was sharp and clever, but also admittedly awkward around women.
These traits weren't based solely on the imaginations of the creators, but actually suggestions from Matthew Perry and Matt LeBlanc. In fact, Matthew Perry wanted to weave awkwardness into the character of Chandler Bing because he himself felt awkward around women. Aww! That awkwardness may have dissipated following Friends' success, as Perry went on to date some Hollywood A-listers, including Julia Roberts!
2.Gunther Was On The Show Way Before Being Given Any Lines or a Name
Gunther became quite the breakout character, but James Michael Taylor actually wasn't a working actor when cast. He was a barista at a coffee shop, and it was that very profession that got his foot in the door.
He told Buzzfeed in 2014, "I had a job at a coffee shop called the Bourgeois Pig in Hollywood, which is still around and one of the last independent coffee shops that hasn't been taken over or whatnot. I was one of their first baristas–I think I started there in 1990 or so." Assistant director Joel Wang vetted Taylor to be on set as an unnamed background character to mime working an espresso machine "…just so it would look authentic." It wasn't until season 2 that Taylor's character was given the name "Gunther" or that he even got to have any lines! Gunther quickly became a fan favorite, particularly when the character's obvious infatuation with Rachel was introduced. Of course, Rachel never reciprocated (or even seemed very aware of) Gunther's feelings, but it was certainly fun to watch. For the first four seasons, Taylor maintained his day job as a barista, because he wasn't sure if he would remain a permanent fixture on the show. Once it became clear that he was, he quit graciously, feeling it wasn't "right" to take shifts from fellow baristas when he realized he had a steady gig on Friends.
1.Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc Hated the Brief Joey and Rachel Romance
Ok brace yourself, because I'm going to go on a bit of a rant here. I didn't HATE the concept of Joey and Rachel. That's not to say I loved it, or even liked it all that much, but I wasn't incensed by it like so many others were. In fact, it actually kind of captivated my attention.
Now, I am speaking to you as a diehard Ross and Rachel fan. That being said, during the storyline arc that was Joey becoming unexpectedly infatuated with Rachel, being rejected (very kindly and compassionately I might add) by Rachel and eventually having his feelings reciprocated by her was both engaging and relatable. In my opinion, during the last remaining seasons of friends, Ross and Rachel still loved each other but had relegated themselves to the idea that, if their relationship hadn't worked at this point, maybe it really just wasn't meant to be. Meanwhile, Rachel had spent years developing a close bond with Joey, who was also her roommate for a period of time and was her shoulder to lean on (other than Ross and the rest of the gang) when she was pregnant with Ross's child due to what the two had considered to be a random hookup. When you get that close and spend that much time with someone, both of you are single and you also both happen to be really good looking, isn't attraction sort of inevitable? I think so, and apparently so did the series' writers and producers. However, for Aniston and LeBlanc, the storyline was just plain icky. In an interview with The Guardian, co-creator David Crane spoke of the costars' reticence in taking on a Rachel/Joey coupling. "'Jennifer [Aniston] and Matt [LeBlanc] were very uncomfortable with that; they thought it was incestuous,' says Kauffman. 'We said: Because it's so wrong, that makes it right, and it worked because it allowed us to show Joey in a new, heartbroken light,' says Crane, which is true, sort of. At least they dropped that storyline fairly swiftly and soon after gave the show the Ross'n'Rachel finale the fans wanted." Well, at least they didn't milk that story for too long.
审校:Freya然 编辑:Freya然 来源:前十网