5.Getting Pregnant Could Hurt Your Employment Prospects
For some, there's no greater goal than settling down with the partner of their dreams and popping out a group of kids to carry on the family name. Everyone talks about the joy of motherhood. What they often leave out is the part where you become less employable.
According to a 2014 report, career women who plan to get pregnant are likely to find themselves demoted, forced to take unpaid leave, or even fired. That same year, Walmart made the sort of headlines PR firms have nightmares about by effectively suspending a woman in the middle of a dangerous pregnancy. Although that's an extreme example, plenty of other companies still consider pregnancy to be alarmingly close to redundancy. A UK study recently revealed that half of all pregnant women felt they had been discriminated against, with 30,000 claiming to have been forced out of their jobs.Even once you've had your kid, the problems may not be over. Studies have shown that career women who become mothers lose as much as 5 percent of their wage for every child they have. Having a child might be wonderful for your home life, but it could prove a disaster for your career.
4.Becoming A College Athlete Is A Really Bad Idea
Many high schoolers dream of getting a sports scholarship and becoming a college football star. For a lucky few, it really is a dream come true. For others, it's a one-way ticket to sadness and social isolation.
A 2010 study found that college athletes devote 32 hours a week to their chosen sport. That's nearly enough to qualify as a full-time job, and it comes on top of their studies and having to forge a new social life. Unsurprisingly, many wind up missing out on important life events and becoming isolated from anyone not on their team. When they then sustain an injury, they can find themselves locked out from training and effectively friendless.Perhaps even worse is the culture of acute stress surrounding college-level sports. Many coaches favor a survival-of-the-fittest approach, leading to extreme overtraining, anxiety, burnout, and depression. As a result, athletes find themselves at a much higher risk of developing mental health problems than regular, non-sporty students. Eating disorders, alcoholism, and suicidal thoughts are common, and many players find it next to impossible to talk about their negative feelings with either their coach or teammates. Rather than being stars at the peak of their game, many college jocks are deeply in need of some TLC.
3.Writing The Wrong Biography Could Leave You Bankrupt
For some people, nothing could be cooler than writing a best-selling biography of their heroes. People like Lincoln, Napoleon, and Malcolm X have had more books written about them than you could read in one lifetime. But there's one historical figure you should never write about. According to the Freakonomics blog, penning a biography of Winston Churchill will almost certainly send you bankrupt.
Unlike the estates of many famous figures, the estate of Winston Churchill is very keen on copyright and very litigious. If you want to quote either Winston himself or any of his family in your book, you will have to pay a lot of money. One biographer recently reported paying 40 cents a word to quote Britain's most famous Prime Minister; a figure that doesn't include the licensing rights for any pictures you might want to include or photocopies of correspondence. Except in the rare instances where your Churchill book becomes a surprise best seller, you'll very likely never make enough to cover these initial costs.Nor is it just Churchill books that will set you back. Until the copyright on his work expired in 2012, the estate of James Joyce did everything humanly possible to make writing about their famous ancestor painfully expensive, including trying to sue an artist for simply memorizing a passage from Finnegans Wake. Martin Luther King's children have brought lawsuits against people for reproducing his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, while William Faulkner's estate once tried to sue Woody Allen for misquoting a mere 10 words from one of his novels.
2.Country Living Has Been Linked To Depression
For plenty of life-long city dwellers, nothing could be more desirable than to move to the country. Most of us sit in cramped apartments want nothing more than a slice of that beautiful, non-polluted pie.
At least, we think we do. The reality is we may wind up becoming clinically depressed. A recent University of Michigan study discovered that non-Hispanic white women who live in rural areas have "significantly higher rates of 12-month major depressive disorder and mood disorder" compared to white women living in urban areas. Interestingly, black women had the opposite outcome. Those living in urban areas were far more likely to become depressed than those living out in the country with their miserable white neighbors. Although the study stopped short of explaining this strange state of affairs, the researchers did propose some possible reasons. While rural black women tend to have strong social networks, white rural women often feel lonely and overwhelmed with responsibilities. Add to this poor access to mental health treatment, and you have the perfect recipe for a rural breakdown.
1.Life Deteriorates After Graduation
Unlike many on this list, graduating is the one dream nearly everyone can achieve. It's an important life step and the moment when you step out the protective bubble of education and into the real world, but for some people, it goes very poorly.
Graduate depression is a phenomenon that's been around for decades. In most cases, it manifests itself as general listlessness and a feeling that life has no meaning. Outside the structured world of study, many graduates quickly discover that the universe doesn't care if they succeed or fail. Transitioning from a place where support is always on hand and even the nastiest lecturer is expected to at least listen to your problems can therefore be a nightmare. Although no official figures exist for the number of people who suffer from graduate depression, a survey for the UK's Independent newspaper found that 95 percent of current undergrads surveyed believe it is a very real phenomenon that needs more exposure. Thanks to high unemployment rates in some industries and kids graduating tens of thousands of dollars in debt, mental health problems linked to graduation usually get even worse as time goes on.
毕业抑郁症是一种已经存在了几十年现象。在大多数情况下,它一般表现为精神萎靡、感觉生活没有意义。在学校体系之外,许多毕业生迅速发现世界并不在乎他们成功或失败 在学校,你总能得到各种支持,即使是最讨厌的老师至少也会聆听你的困惑,步入社会后这变成痴心妄想,这一转变无异于一场梦魇。虽然没有官方数据显示有多少人患有毕业抑郁症,但英国独立报的一项调查发现,接受调查的本科生中有95%认为这是一个非常真实,并且确实需要更多曝光的现象。由于部分行业的高失业率和毕业时数万美元的债务,随着时间的推移,毕业生心理健康问题通常会变得更加严重。
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