日期:2015-08-03 17:42


5.Marble Of Mohrenstrasse
The Mohrenstrasse U-bahn station in Berlin is known for its striking red marble, which is rumored to have a bizarre origin story. Some believe that the marble was taken from the center of Hitler's political power—the New Reich Chancellery, or Neue Reichskanzlei. Designed by renowned architect Albert Speer, the Chancellery was a bombastic and ostentatious building incorporating red marble prominently in rooms such as the Mosaic Hall and Marble Gallery. This was the building where the decisions leading to World War II and the Holocaust were made, and beneath the chancellery's gardens was the bunker complex in which Hitler would finally commit suicide.
柏林的默伦街(Mohrenstrasse)地铁站以其炫目的红大理石而闻名。有传言说,这些大理石有一个匪夷所思的起源故事。有人认为,这些大理石是取自希特勒的政治权利中心——新帝国总理府(New Reich Chancellery德语为:Neue Reichskanzlei),该总理府由著名的建筑师阿尔伯特·施佩尔(Albert Speer)设计,是一座浮华铺张的建筑。里面的房间,如马赛克大厅(Mosaic Hall)和大理石画廊(Marble Gallery)都铺满了夺目的红大理石。当时希特勒就是在这座建筑里决定发起第二次世界大战和犹太人大屠杀(the Holocaust)。该总理府花园底下就是地堡,希特勒最后就是在这里自杀的。


During the war, the building sustained heavy damage and was eventually dismantled by occupying Soviet forces. It is claimed that when the East Germans rebuilt nearby Mohrenstrasse station in 1950, they simply cannibalized the material left behind by the crushed Nazi palace. Some point to newspaper reports of a shipment of red marble from Thuringen at the time, but others say it was just a coverup of the true source.
Berlin is also home to another U-bahn mystery: Leinestrasse station is said to be home to a mysterious creature known as the Tunnelpfeifer, which resembles a mole and whistles in the tunnels. In 2012, there was a billboard and website dedicated to the creature, which seems to be the result of a conceptual art project.

4.G Train Portal


In February 2015, Twitter user Nellie Killan posted "So, has anyone ever seen the G train conductor stop the train between Bedford-Nostrand and Myrtle-Willoughby, unlock an ad to reveal a handle that opens the door to the tunnel, and then let two women out?" Her story was backed up by other commuters, who said that the two women looked like everyday, middle-aged women. After the conductor pulled the lever that opened the strange panel, it opened onto a darkened platform (one man reported seeing a room with frosted and barred windows.)
2015年2月,一位名叫内莉·乔兰(Nellie Killan)的推特用户在网上发布了一条状态:"有没有人看见地铁G线半路停在贝德福德-诺斯特兰大道站(Bedford-Nostrand)和美特尔-威洛比大道站(Myrtle-Willoughby)两站之间,然后列车长打开门让两个女人下车?"这条消息得到了网上其他乘客的证实,并补充说是两个长着大众脸的中年妇女,在列车员扳动把手并打开一扇平时没有见过的门之后,乘客们看到了一个没有黑乎乎的站台(还有一名乘客爆料说当时他看到了一个窗户上装有磨砂玻璃和防盗网的房间)。
Gothamist attempted to get to the bottom of the story. Joe Raskin, author of The Routes Not Taken: A Trip Through New York City's Unbuilt Subway System, said that while he knew of extra tunnels east of Bedford-Nostrand, he was unaware of any structures matching the description in the story. Meanwhile, an urban explorer confirmed the story about the barred and frosted windows. A New York City Transit employee made the issue more complicated by relating a story about a man in a tweed suit with a briefcase who entered the train, opened the opposite side with a key, and disappeared onto an unused section of platform, all before the train departed.
美国知名社交网站哥谭镇人想对此事查个水落石出,于是展开了调查。地铁专家约瑟夫·拉斯金(Joseph B. Raskin)在自己所著的《走没人走过的路:沿着未完工的纽约地铁旅行》一书中表示,他知道贝德福德-诺斯特兰大道地铁站的东边有一些其他的隧道,但并没有发现其中有和上述乘客描述相符的。与此同时,一名城市探险者证实了传闻中那扇装着磨砂玻璃和防盗网的房间是确实存在的。纽约市交通局的一位地铁员工则道出了与此事相关的一些更具体的细节,他说在列车发动之前,曾目睹一个穿着花呢套装、提着公文包的男人进入了车厢,用钥匙打开对面的门,并从那里下车,渐行渐远地消失在那个未开放给人们使用的站台尽头。
The most plausible suggested explanation for the incident and weird structure is that it's a signal tower operating the switches over a given area of track, usually unmanned unless construction is underway. The two women were probably employees being given a ride to avoid having to walk the tracks and climb a filthy ladder. That theory has pretty much been proven now, but any normal passenger could be forgiven for freaking out when someone just up and disappears through a secret underground doorway.

3.Mexico City Metro's Aztec Skulls


Between 2008 and 2012, workers on a subway extension track of El Metro in Mexico City uncovered a number of human skulls dating from the Aztec imperial period. They appear to have been part of a tzompantli, or "skull banner," a rack where the skulls of sacrificial victims were proudly displayed. The grisly find included two male skulls, one female skull, and, weirdly enough, a dog skull. All of the skulls had characteristic perforations allowing them to be mounted on the rack, which is odd considering that most sacrificial victims were men, and sacrificial skulls of animals were rare. The few exceptions would be horse skulls racked alongside their riders during the Spanish conquest period.
2008年至2012年期间,在墨西哥城地铁里一处延伸工程的施工过程中,工人挖掘出了一些人类头骨,其历史可追溯至墨西哥阿兹特克帝国时期(Aztec imperial period)。这些头骨是制作"髑髏架"的一部分,这种架子一般用来展示祭品的头骨。在这恐怖的挖掘过程中,人们发现了两个男性头骨,一个女性头骨,令人想不通的是居然还有一个狗的头骨。这些头骨上都有穿孔,以便将其穿过横杆,排列在髑髏架上进行陈列。奇怪的是,通常髑髏架上摆放的都是男性人祭的头骨,而放置动物头骨实属罕见。若说例外的情况,那么在西班牙人征服阿兹特克帝国时期,确实也有将马的头骨置于其骑士头骨旁边的例子。
Earlier the same year, a subway expansion at Liverpool Street station in London uncovered a number of Roman skulls believed to have belonged to individuals killed during the Celtic rebellion under Boudicca in the first century AD. El Metro, meanwhile, has a few more creepy mysteries, including the mysterious sounds of screams and knocking on the walls in the Panteones-Tacuba Tunnels, a phantom train, and the ghost of a dutiful subway inspector who still shows up to work at 3:00 AM every day.
同一年的早些时候,在伦敦利物浦街地铁站内的扩建工程中,工人们也挖掘到了一些罗马人的头骨。据称,这些头骨极有可能来自于公元一世纪由布狄卡(Boudicca)领导的凯尔特人起义(Celtic rebellion)中丧生的人。此外,还有一些与墨西哥城地铁相关又令人毛骨悚然的传说,包括万神殿(Panteones)站和塔古巴(Tacuba)站之间能听到神秘的尖叫声与敲墙声;幽灵列车;以及一名尽职的"地铁检查员鬼魂"每天凌晨三点都会准时露面开始"工作"。

2.Toronto's Mysterious Liquid


In March 2015, there was chaos in Line 1 of the Toronto Transit Commission's subway system after a mysterious, potentially flammable liquid smelling of gasoline leaked into the tunnel near College Station. The unidentified liquid was pouring onto the tracks, forcing the TTC to suspend services, shepherd disgruntled commuters onto shuttle buses, and clean up the spill with a dusting of "absorbent granules."
2015年3月,一种神秘液体渗进了多伦多地铁书院街站(College Station)附近的隧道中,这种液体闻起来有汽油味,可能是可燃的,这就引起了多伦多运输委员会旗下的地铁1号线内乘客的混乱。不明液体涌进隧道,轨道上溅得到处都是,多伦多运输委员会不得不因此暂停了地铁服务,并安排工作人员引导满腹牢骚的乘客们换乘其他班车。随后运输委员会用吸水颗粒清理了渗入轨道的不明液体。
The Commission initially declared that experts believed it was definitely not water, but they later announced that tests had indicated that the liquid was water with very low concentrations of a kerosene-type substance. The water had apparently filtered through soil picking up contaminants along the way, and eventually reached the subway tunnel. Twitter theorists were evenly divided over the true origins of the liquid: Some blamed the ectoplasm from Ghostbusters 2, and others identified it as the mutagenic ooze from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Of course, it could also be linked to stories of Toronto being built over an ancient alien city inhabited by grey-furred Morlocks.
最初委员会对外宣称,专家认为这绝不可能是水,可不久以后他们又宣布,测试表明这种液体是混有非常低浓度的煤油型物质的水。显然是因为水透过土壤,一路下渗的同时混进了污染物,最终进入地铁隧道。但推特上的"大神们"可不甘心事情就这么完了,他们就液体的真实来源提出了自己的观点,还分成了两派:一部分人认为该液体的出现应归咎于电影《捉鬼敢死队2》(Ghostbusters 2)中喜爱音乐的地铁隧道幽灵,而另一派则认定这是《忍者神龟》中的变种软泥。两派不甘寂寞,互不相让,逼着官方必须毫不含糊地在二者中做出选择。当然,这还可以和多伦多已有的地铁传说联系起来,尤其是有传言道,多伦多建于莫洛克族居住过的外星古城之上,所以任何稀奇古怪的事到了多伦多也就显得比较正常了。

1.Tales Of Subway Corpses


In 2007, a story appeared on the Unexplained Mysteries forum telling of an art student on the London underground. She was alone except for a man in his thirties until two young men with a woman between them boarded the train. They looked sketchy, so the student avoided eye contact, but the man in his thirties sat down next to her, engaged her in conversation like he knew her, then whispered to her to get off at the next station. She did, apparently more apprehensive of the other three, and after the train departed, he explained that he had seen them drag the woman onto the train with a pair of scissors sticking out of the back of her skull.
Another forum member in Sydney reported hearing an identical story, except with three women and strangulation rather than scissors. There was also an email circulating in the early 2000s which played out much like the London story but involved a doctor on the train realizing that the woman sitting between the men was actually a corpse. The urban legend appears to be a global phenomenon, according to research by the Londonist. Most are modern versions of the tale, but one of the oldest is from New York and tells of a couple riding a late-night stagecoach who are forced to share it with three ruffians, one of whom appears drunk. The other two get off one by one, telling the apparent drunk, "Good night, Dick," and leaving the couple to worry about him missing his stop. They attempt to rouse him, only to discover that his throat has been cut from ear to ear.

审校:王大 校对:CMX 编辑:旭旭 来源:前十网
