悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第79期:神谕:苏格拉底是最聪明的人
日期:2016-03-04 13:29


The fact that the aims of Socrates and Euripides were closely allied did not escape the attention of their contemporaries.


We have an eloquent illustration of this in the rumotr, current at the time in Athens, that Socrates was helping Euripides with his writing.


The two names were bracketed by the partisans of the "good old days' whenever it was a question of castigating the upstart demagogues of the present.


It was they who were blamed for the disappearance of the Marathonian soundness of body and mind in favor of a dubious enlightenment tending toward a progressive atrophy of the traditional virtues.


In the comedy of Aristophanes both men are treated in this vein--half indignant, half contemptuous--to the dismay of the rising generation, who, while they were willing enough to sacrifice Euripides, could not forgive the picture of Socrates as the arch Sophist.


Their only recourse was to pillory Aristophanes in his turn as a dissolute, Lying Alcibiades of poetry.


I won't pause here to defend the pro found instincts of Aristophanes against such attacks but shall proceed to demonstrate the close affinity between Socrates and Euripides, as their contemporaries saw them.


It is certainly significant in this connection that Socrates, being a sworn enemy of the tragic art, is said never to have attended the theater except when a new play of Euripides was mounted.


The most famous instance of the conjunction of the two names, however, is found in the Delphic oracle which pronounced Socrates the wisest of men yet allowed that Euripides merited the second place.


  • archn. 拱,拱门,拱状物 v. 成拱形,拱起 adj. 主
  • proceedvi. 继续进行,开始,着手
  • exceptvt. 除,除外 prep. & conj. 除了 ..
  • oraclen. 神谕,神谕处,预言
  • dismayn. 沮丧,绝望 vt. 使 ... 灰心,使 ...
  • pilloryn. 颈手枷,示众,嘲弄 vt. 套上枷锁,使遭人嘲笑
  • eloquentadj. 雄辩的,有口才的,动人的
  • affinityn. 姻亲,密切关系,吸引力
  • sacrificen. 牺牲,供俸,祭品 vt. 牺牲,祭祀,贱卖 vi.
  • recoursen. 依赖,求助,追索权