悲剧的诞生The Birth Of Tragedy 第8期:生存意义的启示
日期:2015-09-10 18:35


Now the Olympian magic mountain opens itself before us, showing us its very roots.
The Greeks were keenly aware of the terrors and horrors of existence; in order to be able to live at all they had to place before them the shining fantasy of the Olympians.his artificial Olympus.
Their tremendous distrust of the titanic forces of nature: Moira, mercilessly enthroned beyond the knowable world;
the vulture which fed upon the great philanthropist Prometheus; the terrible lot drawn by wise Oedipus;
the curse on the house of Atreus which brought Orestes to the murder of his mother:
that whole Panic philosophy, in short, with its mythic examples, by which the gloomy Etruscans perished, the Greeks conquered--or at least hid from view--again and again by means of of this artificial Olympus.
In order to live at all the Greeks had to construct these deities.
The Apollinian need for beauty had to develop the Olympian hierarchy of joy by slow degrees from the original titanic hierarchy of terror, as roses are seen to break from a thorny thicket.
How else could life have been borne by a race so hypersensitive, so emotionally intense, so equipped for suffering?
The same drive which called art into being as a completion and consummation of existence, and as a guarantee of further existence, gave rise also to that Olympian realm which acted as a transfiguring mirror to the Hellenic will.
The gods justified human life by living it themselves,the only satisfactory theodicy ever invented.
To exist in the clear sunlight of such deities was now felt to be the highest good, and the only real grief suffered by Homeric man was inspired by the thought of leaving that sunlight, especially when the departure seemed imminent.
Now it became possible to stand the wisdom of Silenus on its head and proclaim that it was the worst evil for man to die soon, and second worst for him to die at all.
Such laments as arise now arise over short-lived Achilles, over the generations ephemeral as leaves, the decline of the heroic age.
It is not unbecoming to even the greatest hero to yearn for an afterlife, though it be as a day laborer.
So impetuously, during the Apollinian phase, does man's will desire to remain on earth, so identified does he become with existence, that even his lament turns to a song of praise.
