中国经济数据迷雾重重 专家怎么看
日期:2016-03-04 13:19


BEIJING — With economic growth slowing and China’s stock markets in turmoil, the Communist Party and central government are starting to restrict the flow of economic information and data to control the narrative. That runs counter to the needs of global investors and economists, who had been hoping that China would continue becoming more transparent with such information.


In 2007, Li Keqiang, who has since become China’s premier, told the United States ambassador in Beijing about the unreliability of official economic growth data. Among people tracking the Chinese economy, that kind of doubt is likely to increase. The party is becoming more sensitive as to how data shapes global perceptions of the economy.


The New York Times has found prominent recent cases of data and information censorship. Last year, officials at China’s National Bureau of Statistics ordered Markit Economics, a British financial information and services company, and Caixin Media Group, based in Beijing, to end a monthly release of preliminary survey results of Chinese factories. Because traders used the number, called the flash P.M.I., the data affected markets.

《纽约时报》已发现了几起最近的数据和信息审查的突出案例。去年,中国国家统计局官员曾命令英国金融信息和服务公司Markit Economics和总部设在北京的财新传媒集团,停止每月发布中国工厂调查的初步结果。因为交易者使用这个被称作PMI预览指数的数据,而这个数据对股市有影响。

Here are comments from six experts on the quality and official control of Chinese economic data:


Ye Tan, independent economist based in Shanghai


We know that every institution or agency has its own approach. So we have a lot of data, but it’s kind of messy.


Some economic data like income and unemployment is indeed sensitive in China. But the authorities will have no choice but to release them, or else they will be creating a situation where a blind man is trying to feel an elephant.


Christopher Balding, associate professor at Peking University HSBC Business School

克里斯托弗·鲍尔丁(Christopher Balding),北京大学汇丰商学院副教授

Many parts of Chinese data are riddles inside enigmas, so I’ve learned to never take anything as final.


Chinese data even among specialists are hazy and require time just sorting through the definitions and changes.


I don’t think anyone has any real illusions that the economy is growing at 7 percent. Only a couple of people would write that with a straight face anymore. I think the party is becoming a lot more sensitive to that.


The People’s Bank of China has to learn how to interact with the markets rather than just repeating “everything is fine,” because people are watching a lot closer than they used to.


China used to publish widespread aggregate employment levels throughout secondary industry [the manufacture of finished products]. In 2013, they stopped publishing the aggregate number of employed persons in these industries. They just started releasing a couple of aggregate employment levels for small numbers of subsectors. It’s very limited, but it’s a start.


They haven’t published wage data since the end of 2014.


Yuan Gangming, researcher at the Center for China in the World Economy, Tsinghua University


The National Bureau of Statistics is not as unreliable as it used to be. I’ve been following Chinese economic data for quite some time. In the past, the forgery of data was common. In 1998, during the Asia financial crisis, some data like industrial output and electricity were not made available to the public.


Over all, the National Bureau of Statistics is a lot more reliable than some local statistics bureaus.


Anne Stevenson-Yang, co-founder of J Capital Research

杨思安(Anne Stevenson-Yang),美奇金(J Capital Research)共同创始人

Senior officials require that the various institutions that collect the data be in on the original sources and ask those sources to change the data when needed.


There’s a small group at the National Bureau of Statistics that takes in the provincial numbers for gross domestic product, and when these conflict with national numbers, they make a judgment call.


Data disappears when it becomes negative. That’s happened in a lot of series. The Ministry of Commerce has a series on retail enterprises and retail sales of various products. Those series stop when the numbers get bad.


I’ve been trying to deal with household income data. That’s frustrating. They report that in different ways all the time, so the numbers aren’t comparable.


The most egregious faking is in services and job creation.


For steel numbers, they report the steel output of a select number of mills. They randomly add different companies to the sample that had never been there before. We found that happening in 2014. They added all these phantom companies that nobody had heard of before. The companies report a raw number of tons of steel produced. There were 85 companies. Then suddenly there were 95 companies. They don’t tell you about this change upfront. They’ll only tell you if you ask them.


On retail data, they change the companies that are the key enterprises. They don’t consistently define key enterprises. Usually you can find the definitions on the National Bureau of Statistics website. But those change. This year, a key enterprise might be defined as over 25 million renminbi per year in revenue.


On housing price data, the localities change different districts of their cities for the basis of comparison. If they think their prices are too high, they’ll choose a district of the city that has a high average price. Then they’ll use that as the basis of comparison. If you want low year-on-year growth, you need a high basis of comparison. If you want growth to look high, take down the basis of comparison.


Trucking is a very fragmented world in China. There are a zillion tiny companies that only weigh one truck or two trucks. There are some stations that weigh trucks. But it’s hard for me to believe that anyone reports accurate numbers on these trucks.


Mark Williams, chief Asia economist for Capital Economics

马克·威廉姆斯(Mark Williams),凯投宏观(Capital Economics)首席亚洲经济学家

Unfortunately, it looks increasingly likely that the government will continue to announce G.D.P. growth targets. That will include a target of average growth over the five-year period. The government appears to view targets as essential for policy making. It is unlikely that the National Bureau of Statistics would publish numbers lower than the target number.


China has set G.D.P. growth targets for a long time. For most of the past 20 years, it really didn’t matter that much because the economy was growing much faster than the targets. It has only really become a problem as growth has slowed.


There’s also much more scrutiny on policy makers for their economic policy making. It wasn’t that long ago that the world felt the Chinese government could do no wrong when it came to managing their economy. But there’s a lot more skepticism now both in China and abroad.


We used to have debates with clients on whether growth was as slow as what our proxy measures suggested. In the past year or so, I haven’t had anyone dispute that growth is significantly lower than official figures. Most investors take it as a given that the official figures are overstating China’s growth.


The debate is over the quality of the information. It’s not hard to find individual data series that will back any given argument. You have to look at a broad span of data.


Fred Hu, founding partner of Primavera Capital Group

胡祖六(Fred Hu),春华资本集团(Primavera Capital Group)创始合伙人

They have over time really made efforts to improve the quality and reliability of economic data, but it’s obviously still a work in progress. I would say economic data, with a few exceptions, are released to the public on a regular basis.


My country still doesn’t permit freedom of speech and freedom of information. Most public discussions are severely restricted or penalized. Again, in the economic arena, it has been a notable exception.


In social sciences, economists tend to have the biggest degree of freedom in discussing economic issues or policy issues, and economists can be highly critical of government policies without undue personal consequences.


  • collectv. 收集,聚集 v. 推论 adv. 接收者付款
  • prominentadj. 杰出的,显著的,突出的
  • reliabilityn. 可靠性
  • aggregaten. 合计,总计,集合体,集料 adj. 合计的,集合的
  • narrativen. 叙述,故事 adj. 叙事的,故事体的
  • partnern. 搭档,伙伴,合伙人 v. 同 ... 合作,做 .
  • unemploymentn. 失业,失业人数
  • controln. 克制,控制,管制,操作装置 vt. 控制,掌管,支
  • disputev. 争论,争议,辩驳,质疑 n. 争论,争吵,争端
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的