Argentine football star Lionel Messi has sent not one, but two jerseys to the five-year-old Afghan boy who became an Internet sensation last month when he was pictured wearing a plastic bag with "Messi" scrawled on it in marker pen.
Murtaza Ahmadi travelled with his family from eastern Ghazni province to Kabul to receive the gifts sent by Messi through UNICEF. "Murtaza couldn't stop smiling. He kept repeating: I love Messi," UNICEF Afghanistan spokesman Denise Shepherd-Johnson told AFP.
为了拿到梅西通过联合国儿童基金会寄送的礼物,穆尔塔扎·阿玛迪和他的家人从东部省份加兹尼来到了喀布尔。联合国儿童基金会阿富汗发言人Denise Shepherd-Johnson告诉法新社:“穆尔塔扎不停地笑。他不断重复着:'我爱梅西'。”
Messi autographed the jerseys, writing "With much love" in Spanish on them, and added a football to the treasure trove, UNICEF said. Purchasing a Messi jersey was beyond the means of Murtaza's poor family, members of the persecuted ethnic Hazara minority living in volatile Ghazni, near Kabul.
联合国儿童基金会表示,梅西在球衣上签名,并用西班牙语在上面写着“With much love(带着很多爱)”,还附赠了一个足球。由于穆尔塔扎家境清寒,他买不起梅西的球衣。他们居住在靠近喀布尔的动荡的加兹尼,是受迫害的哈扎拉少数民族。
His elder brother Homayoun, 15, improvised the blue-and-white-striped plastic shirt with Messi's name scrawled in black marker, and posted the photos of Murtaza wearing it on Facebook in mid-January. The image touched a chord with football fans around the world, and earned Murtaza the sobriquet "little Messi" on social media.
The Afghan Football Federation had said Messi was in contact with them to arrange a meeting with Murtaza as soon as possible, with the Spanish embassy in Kabul telling AFP it would do whatever possible to facilitate. But a source close to Messi's entourage said earlier this month they could neither confirm nor deny the speculation regarding a possible meeting. Setting up a meeting in Afghanistan, in the grip of a fierce Taliban insurgency, is fraught with security challenges.