I WAS one of the first women in the San Francisco Fire Department. For more than a dozen years, I worked on a busy rig in a tough neighborhood where rundown houses caught fire easily and gangs fought with machetes and .22s. I’ve pulled a bloated body from the bay, performed CPR on a baby and crawled down countless smoky hallways.
I expected people to question whether I had the physical ability to do the job (even though I was a 5-foot-10, 150-pound ex-college athlete). What I didn’t expect was the question I heard more than any other: “Aren’t you scared?”
It was strange — and insulting — to have my courage doubted. I never heard my male colleagues asked this. Apparently, fear is expected of women.
This fear conditioning begins early. Many studies have shown that physical activity — sports, hiking, playing outdoors — is tied to girls’ self-esteem. And yet girls are often warned away from doing anything that involves a hint of risk.
One study focused on, coincidentally, a playground fire pole, is particularly revealing. It was published in The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology and showed that parents cautioned their daughters about the dangers of the fire pole significantly more than they did their sons and were much more likely to assist them. But both moms and dads directed their sons to face their fears, with instruction on how to complete the task on their own.
一项恰巧关注游乐场滑杆的研究,尤其发人深省。这篇发表在《应用发展心理学杂志》(The Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology)上的文章显示,比起对儿子,父母更加担心女儿玩滑杆会遇到危险,而且更倾向于帮助她们。但父母都要求儿子直面恐惧,指导他们如何靠自己完成这项挑战。
I spoke recently to a friend who admitted that she cautioned her daughter much more than her son. “But she’s very klutzy,” the mom explained. I wondered, wasn’t there a way even a klutzy child could take risks? My friend agreed there might be, but only halfheartedly, and I could see on her face that maternal instinct was sparring with feminism, and feminism was losing.
I had been a klutzy child, too. I was also shy, and scared of many things: big kids, whatever might be under my bed at night, school. But I pored over National Geographic and “Harriet the Spy.” I knew all about Sir Lancelot and the Knights of the Round Table, who wandered the countryside swearing oaths of bravery and honor. None of these characters talked about fear. They talked about courage, exploration and exciting deeds.
我也曾是个笨手笨脚的孩子。我也很害羞,惧怕很多事:比我大的孩子、在夜里也许藏在我床底的什么东西,还有学校。但我也全神贯注地读着《国家地理》(National Geographic)和《小间谍哈瑞特》(Harriet the Spy)。我熟知兰斯洛特爵士(Sir Lancelot)和圆桌骑士(Knights of the Round Table)的故事,他们游历四方,昭示着勇敢和荣誉。这些人物从未谈到恐惧。他们谈论的是勇气、探索和功绩。
So I biked down a steep country road (and hit a car). I sledded down an icy hill (and hit a tree). I don’t remember my parents freaking out; they seemed to understand that mishaps were part of childhood. I got a few stitches, and kept biking and sledding. Misadventures meant that I should try again. With each triumph over fear and physical adversity, I gained confidence.
I recently asked my mother why she never tried to stop me. She said that her own mother had been very fearful, gasping at anything remotely rough-and-tumble. “I had been so discouraged from having adventures, and I wanted you to have a more exciting childhood,” she told me.
My mom is an outlier. According to a study in The Journal of Pediatric Psychology last year, parents are “four times more likely to tell girls than boys to be more careful” after mishaps that are not life-threatening but do entail a trip to the emergency room. It seems like a reasonable warning. But there is a drawback, and the researchers remarked on it: “Girls may be less likely than boys to try challenging physical activities, which are important for developing new skills.” This study points to an uncomfortable truth: We think our daughters are more fragile, both physically and emotionally, than our sons.
我的母亲是一个孤例。去年《儿科心理学杂志》(The Journal of Pediatric Psychology)发表的一项研究结果称,在发生不危及生命但的确需要赶到急诊室的意外事件之后,父母“告诫女儿要小心的可能性,比儿子高四倍”。这似乎是一个合理的警告。但也有一个不良后果,研究人员评价道:“女孩尝试具有挑战性的体育活动的可能性就降低了,而这对发展新技能是很重要的。”这项研究指出了一个令人不安的真相:我们认为女儿无论是生理上还是情感上,都比儿子更脆弱。
Nobody is saying that injuries are good, or that girls should be reckless. But risk taking is important. Gever Tulley, the author of “50 Dangerous Things (You Should Let Your Children Do),” encourages girls and boys to own pocketknives, light fires and throw spears, arguing that dangerous activities under supervision can teach kids responsibility, problem-solving and confidence. It follows that by cautioning girls away from these experiences, we are not protecting them. We are failing to prepare them for life.
并不是说受伤是好事,也不是说女孩应该莽撞,但经历风险是很重要的。《这50件危险的事应该让孩子去做》一书的作者吉佛·图利(Gever Tulley)鼓励让女孩和男孩拥有自己的折叠刀,点火、扔标枪,他认为在监督之下做危险的事情可以教会孩子负起责任、解决问题、拥有信心。如此推论,警告女孩不要体验这些事情,并不是在保护她们,而是未能让她们为生活做好准备。
When a girl learns that the chance of skinning her knee is an acceptable reason not to attempt the fire pole, she learns to avoid activities outside her comfort zone. Soon many situations are considered too scary, when in fact they are simply exhilarating and unknown. Fear becomes a go-to feminine trait, something girls are expected to feel and express at will. By the time a girl reaches her tweens no one bats an eye when she screams at the sight of an insect.
When girls become women, this fear manifests as deference and timid decision making. We try to counter this conditioning by urging ourselves to “lean in.” Books on female empowerment proliferate on our shelves. I admire what these writers are trying to do — but they come far too late.
We must chuck the insidious language of fear (Be careful! That’s too scary!) and instead use the same terms we offer boys, of bravery and resilience. We need to embolden girls to master skills that at first appear difficult, even dangerous. And it’s not cute when a 10-year-old girl screeches, “I’m too scared.”
When I worked as a firefighter, I was often scared. Of course I was. So were the men. But fear wasn’t a reason to quit. I put my fear where it belonged, behind my feelings of focus, confidence and courage. Then I headed, with my crew, into the burning building.