Apple Pay has officially launched here in China.
Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the launch of the contactless payment system today through his Sina Weibo social media account. The tech giant is teaming up with Chinese bankcard association UnionPay.
Nearly 20 Chinese banks have let their customers tie their bank accounts to Apple Pay, and UnionPay has provided compatible Point-Of-Sales terminals for users to complete the transactions.
中国近20家银行已经让他们的客户将其银行账户关联到Apple Pay,而中国银联则为帮助用户完成交易提供了兼容的销售点终端。
Users of the iPhone 6, certain iPads, and Apple Watches equipped with near field communication, or NFC technology, will be able to use the system to buy items in certain stores in China.
使用iPhone6、某些型号的iPad以及Apple Watch且搭载近场通信的用户,将可以在中国指定的商店使用这套系统购买商品。
McDonald's said today that it will accept Apple Pay in its 1,700 restaurants in China. Apple also lists Lane Crawford, 7-Eleven, Burger King, and KFC among the merchants already accepting Apple Pay in China.
麦当劳今天宣布,在中国的1700家餐厅将会支持Apple Pay服务。此外,苹果公司还列出了包括连卡佛、7-11便利店、汉堡王、肯德基等在内的多个位于中国的商家已经支持Apple Pay服务。
Chinese restaurant review and group buying services Meituan and Dazhongdianping and online retailer Dangdang.com have also made Apple Pay-compatible versions of their apps available to iPhone users.
主打中国餐馆点评和团购服务的美团和大众点评,以及在线零售商当当网,都已经为iPhone用户推出了兼容Apple Pay的最新版APP。