Danny Alexander, the former Treasury minister appointed vice-president of a Chinese-led Asian investment bank, has dismissed criticisms that he is not qualified to do the job.
英国财政部前官员丹尼騠虎煓大(Danny Alexander)被任命为中国发起设立的亚洲基础设施投资银行(AIIB,简称亚投行)的副行长。他对关于其不够资格的指责不以为然。
Sir Danny, who has been taking Mandarin lessons ahead of his posting to Beijing, said that similar criticisms were made of him before he became Treasury chief secretary in the coalition government.
“I think I proved people wrong,” the former Liberal Democrat minister said in an interview with the Financial Times. Sir Danny was George Osborne’s deputy at the Treasury, responsible for implementing cuts and bringing down Britain’s record deficit.
这位前自由民主党官员在接受英国《金融时报》采访时表示:“我想我已经证明人们错了。”亚历山大此前担任英国财政大臣乔治攠斯本(George Osborne)的副手,负责执行紧缩计划并削减英国创纪录的赤字。
“Over five years we put the economy back on track and provided solid foundations for this Conservative government,” he said with heavy irony. “I’m very proud of what we achieved but sorry I lost my seat.”
Mr Osborne also felt sorry for his deputy and rewarded him by nominating him as one of five vice-presidents of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, even though the job description required lengthy experience in international finance.
Officials in Beijing close to the nomination process also criticised Mr Osborne’s nomination, saying they would have preferred a leading financier to a professional politician.
But Sir Danny said his role would involve ensuring strong communications between the Beijing-based bank and its 57 founding members — including Britain, France and Germany — over its plans and operations.
“We have to make sure they are fully engaged and that we proceed together,” he said, in a tacit acknowledgment there could be teething problems as the Chinese-led equivalent of the World Bank takes the stage.
他说:“我们不得不确保他们全力参与,确保我们一起前进,”此言含蓄地承认了亚投行在登上舞台初期可能出现一些问题。亚投行由中国主导,相当于世界银行(World Bank)的角色。
He said it was “the right initiative at the right time” and the AIIB would help to fund infrastructure in Asia that would help to sustain growth and help to reduce carbon emissions.
He said that as a Liberal he was a big supporter of multilateral organisations, but he did not seem to recognise the apparent problem of working in Beijing for a bank backed by a Chinese government with an illiberal view of human rights.
“I’m looking forward to getting to know China and getting to know people in Beijing,” he said. “I want to understand more about how the system works. “The job I’m doing is with the AIIB and I very much applaud the Chinese government initiative in setting it up. It’s a great opportunity for more co-operation across Asia.”
Sir Danny said he and Mr Osborne agreed in 2015 that it would be right for Britain to be a founding member of the bank, in spite of the opprobrium of the White House. One US official bemoaned Britain’s “constant accommodation” of China.
Asked whether the AIIB job was payback time after being Mr Osborne’s sidekick during the coalition government, Sir Danny said: “We worked very closely and effectively over five years. He knows me and what I can do. But my skills and experience are what’s important.”
Although the 43-year-old said he was making “slow but steady progress” in learning Mandarin, the working language of the bank will be English.
He is on a three-year contract but says he has no immediate plans to return to British politics to help his ailing party ahead of the 2020 general election. “My life has taken a different turn now,” he said.