TAIPEI, Taiwan — With its offices sporting wood flooring, a roof painted bright orange and conference rooms named after target markets in Southeast Asia, AppWorks, one of Taiwan’s few start-up accelerators, has the look and feel of the American counterparts it’s modeled on.
But its founder, Jamie Lin, 37, does not sound much like the optimistic entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. Instead, he is glum about the future for Taiwan’s tech industry.
但其创始人林之晨(Jamie Lin)的语气,却不太像硅谷那些乐观的企业家。相反,37岁的他对台湾科技行业的未来感到担忧。
“It’s like you’re riding on the Titanic, and you know it’s going to hit an iceberg, and you’re trying to turn the rudder, but you know it’s not turning fast enough,” he said in a recent interview.
Five years ago, Taiwan’s tech industry was riding high. The device maker HTC had surpassed Apple to become the largest smartphone vendor in the United States, while the computer company Acer had leapfrogged Dell to become the world’s second-largest personal computer maker. Such successes helped lift Taiwan’s economy, building on the country’s longtime work on computer chips and moving the island nation into its next phase as a tech power.
That trajectory has turned. Last year, share prices of the computer makers Acer and Asustek plummeted 43 percent and 22 percent as the PC market sagged, while HTC plunged 45 percent. Taiwan electronics exports have been falling since February 2015, and in the third quarter, the country’s gross domestic product contracted partly because of weakness in the tech sector.
As voters head to the polls to choose Taiwan’s new president this weekend, a rare point of agreement between the island’s fractious political parties is that the tech industry needs help. Just days before the election four years ago, major Taiwan tech figures took to television to argue that current President Ma Ying-jeou’s policies of improving relations with China would lift the industry.
在选民将于本周末前往投票点选出台湾的下一任总统之际,岛内明争暗斗的各政党罕见地达成了一点共识,即科技行业需要帮助。四年前,就在离选举只剩几天时,台湾科技业的重要人物走上电视,称现任总统马英九(Ma Ying-jeou)改善与大陆关系的政策将提振科技业。
Yet rising competition from Chinese manufacturers and slowing growth there has had a mixed impact on Taiwan tech since. With the Democratic Progressive Party’s Tsai Ing-wen — who polls say is likely to win a decisive victory — vowing to renew Taiwanese innovation and build out a new tech hub here, a key part of Taiwan’s immediate political future depends on whether it can be turned around.
但在那之后,与大陆制造商的竞争与日俱增,大陆的增长也日渐放缓,这给台湾科技业带来了复杂的影响。在民进党(Democratic Progressive Party)候选人蔡英文(Tsai Ing-wen)——民调称她可能会获得大胜——承诺要恢复台湾的创新,并将其打造成新的科技中心的情况下,台湾近期政治前途中的一个关键部分,有赖于科技行业能否有所好转。
Taiwan’s tech problem, as Mr. Lin sees it, is the result of a culture and government that have failed to generate the talent and flexibility to move beyond the manufacturing prowess that made the island a tech hub in the 1980s and 1990s and forward to the software and Internet industries driving Silicon Valley’s current boom. The dilemma became apparent to him in 2009 when he saw a commercial for Apple’s iPhone.
“The commercial said whatever you want to do, there’s an app for that,” Mr. Lin said. “Immediately I realized that’s the end of Taiwan. We’re so good at making cheap computers and phones, but we’re so bad at making an app for anything.”
Taiwan’s tech industry is rooted in a conservative business culture built around a now-aging first generation of high-tech industrialists, critics said. Unlike Silicon Valley, which has the 31-year-old Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, and China, which has the 44-year-old Tencent founder Pony Ma, Taiwan’s tech leadership includes Morris Chang, 84, of the chip maker Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, and Terry Gou, 65, the founder of Foxconn, the Taiwan-based contract manufacturer.
批评人士称,台湾科技行业根植于一种保守的商业文化。这种文化是围绕现已日渐年迈的第一代高科技工业家建立起来的。硅谷有31岁的Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg),大陆有44岁的腾讯创始人马化腾。不同于硅谷和大陆,台湾的科技领袖却是84岁的芯片厂商台湾积体电路制造股份有限公司(Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation)创始人张忠谋(Morris Chang),和总部位于台湾的代工制造商富士康(Foxconn)创始人、65岁的郭台铭(Terry Gou)等人。
That has solidified a “survival mentality” unsuited to innovation, with tech executives unwilling to spend on the marketing and design that could set their firms apart from competitors, said Willy Shih, a professor at Harvard Business School who studies Taiwan’s tech companies.
哈佛商学院(Harvard Business School)研究台湾科技公司的史兆威(Willy Shih)教授表示,这加强了一种不适于创新的“求生心态”,使得科技公司高管不愿在市场营销和设计上做投资,而那才是企业与竞争对手拉开差距的办法。
One example of that philosophy was on display recently at Silicon Power, which produces branded portable hard drives and USB drives. When the company, based in the affluent riverside neighborhood of Neihu in Taipei, received a flood of orders ahead of Christmas last year, it sent employees responsible for marketing, design and sales — all key to building a brand — to the factory floor, according to one employee, who declined to be named because he was not authorized to speak about the policy.
这方面的最新的例子是生产品牌移动硬盘和USB驱动器的广颖电通(Silicon Power)。该公司坐落于台北富裕的滨河社区内湖区,它在去年圣诞节前夕接到大批订单后,将负责市场营销、设计和销售的员工——打造品牌的关键角色——都派到车间工作,该消息由一名公司员工透露。这位员工拒绝透露姓名,因为他没被授权谈论这项政策。
Yvonne Chang, a Silicon Power spokeswoman, said the move was meant to improve communication between office workers and the factory, not to cut costs. An internal email announcing the plan, however, called for an “emergency mobilization” of employees to help on the manufacturing “front lines.”
广颖电通发言人伊冯娜·张(Yvonne Chang)表示,公司采取这项措施,意在加强办公室员工和车间员工之间的交流,不是为了降低成本。但是一封宣布该计划的内部邮件却呼吁员工“紧急动员”,去“第一线”帮助生产。
Some of Taiwan’s larger tech companies have suffered from a similar philosophy. HTC did not put enough emphasis on branding, Mr. Shih said, adding that Acer failed to adequately transfer to mobile devices as the personal computer market sagged. Many of the Taiwanese companies are now beholden to bigger branded companies, mostly in the United States, for computers, servers and smartphones.
Acer and HTC did not respond to requests for comment. Nick Wu, the chief financial officer of Asustek, said the company anticipated the shifts in the industry and was working to expand into robotics, as well as computing devices for the home and car.
宏碁和HTC没有回应时报的置评请求。华硕首席财务官吴长荣(Nick Wu)表示,华硕之前预见到了这种行业转型,它正努力进入机器人制造领域,也在研发家用和车用计算设备。
“Transition is not something that can be completed overnight,” Mr. Wu said. “It takes strategic planning and solid execution, especially when our industry is undergoing a massive paradigm shift.”
Taiwan’s entrepreneurial scene, meanwhile, is growing but remains small. Many of those trying to start new companies said they had often run into the conservative mind-set that shunts younger people into risk-averse positions at established companies. Entrepreneurs also have to grapple with a maze of regulations that have restricted online payment platforms and limited tech start-ups’ ability to list in Taiwan.
Mr. Lin of AppWorks recalled a moment last year when he and four others in the tech industry met with 30 legislators to work on a law to regulate online payments like PayPal. Of the legislators in the room, only a few had ever used any form of online payment platform.
“If none of them has used it, what rights do they have to criticize it or say it’s not useful?” he said. “You have to at least do your homework.”
Some organizations are working to jump-start the tech industry. Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute, or I.T.R.I., a government-sponsored group that supports and builds out new tech companies, recently began spinning off more companies early, whereas before it had been doing more to aid extant firms, according to a general director, Stephen Su.
台湾也有一些机构正竭力助推科技行业,由政府资助的工业技术研究院(ITRI)旨在支持和打造新科技企业。该院产业经济与趋势研究中心主任苏孟宗(Stephen Su)表示,最近他们开始更多地孵化早期创业公司,之前则主要是给已经发展起来的公司提供支持。
The institute is also spearheading an initiative to link Taiwanese companies and offer their services to hardware start-ups in places like Silicon Valley that are in need of quick prototyping and manufacturing, with the aim of bringing in new business from the United States. And the organization has created a research group to work on regulatory problems.
Anita Huang, the head of Taiwan Startup Stadium, an initiative started by the government to lift start-up funding and training, said there was a need for more role models to show the way for aspiring entrepreneurs. She pointed to one of Taiwan’s best-funded start-ups, Gogoro, as an example.
台湾创新竞技场(Taiwan Startup Stadium)是由政府创立的倡导机构,旨在为创业公司提供融资和培训服务。其负责人黄蕙雯(Anita Huang)表示,台湾需要更多的创业榜样,给有抱负的创业者带路。她说在这方面,台湾融资状况最好的创业公司睿能新动力(Gogoro)就是个例子。
Co-founded in 2011 by Horace Luke, a former HTC executive, Gogoro has raised $180 million and produces scooters powered by replaceable batteries stored at stations around Taipei. The company grew to more than 600 employees in 2015, up from 15 in 2011.
睿能是HTC前高管陆学森(Horace Luke)在2011年与人联合创立的公司,目前已经融资1.8亿美元,它主要生产由可更换电池供电的电动车,这些电池在遍及台北的交换站充电。该公司的员工已经从2011年的15人增长到2015年的600多人。
Mr. Luke said his goal was to avoid relying on larger companies and to build a platform by offering services and devices based around the replaceable battery stations. Because of his strong local reputation, Mr. Luke said he had been given freedom by investors to run the company as he wanted. He said he encouraged employees, many of whom are under 40, to shun short-term considerations in favor of longer-term innovation.
Mr. Luke said Taiwan’s lack of urgency around tech was receding. In the last 18 months, an “alarm bell went off” over the tech scene, he said. “Business leaders here, everyone is talking about that,” he said. “ Awareness is the first step to a correction.”