Ihad the greatest eventing with Laura night. With shrieked in happiness when we spotted each other at the airport and ran toward each other like little kids. We hugged for the longest time and laughed with glee at seeing each other after so long.
People must have thought we were insane. But that's what I love about airports: there's always so much emotion with people coming and going.
Anyway, we went back to my place and ordered piazza. Laura told me about all her amazing experiences on her travels. I laughed the hardest when she told me about her skydiving adventure. She actually jumped out of a plane.
She said she was so scared while the plane was flying up to altitude she had to sing songs at the top of her voice just to try to keep clam. Then everyone else on the palne started singing along! When it was time to jump, she could not make herself go to the open door and the instructor had to push her out the hatch.
They had to jump through clouds and she said it hurt a little--the moisture stngs your skin because you are freefalling so fast. I can't even imagin. I am way too chicken to skydive!