The latest study on gender equality in Hollywood found that last year, women accounted for 9 percent of the directors of the 250 top-grossing domestic films. This might not sound great, but it’s an improvement over 2014, when women made up just 7 percent of directors for those films. The 2015 result put women on par with the level achieved in 1998.
Compiled by San Diego State University and now in its 18th year, “The Celluloid Ceiling” report comes a month after the Directors Guild of America, deflecting the A.C.L.U.’s claim that the organization did not sufficiently back women directors, released its own similarly bleak figures. The guild found that in 2013 and 2014, women accounted for 6.4 percent of directors, figures it drew from features produced by companies that were signatories to its collective bargaining agreement. The guild also released findings showing which studios had hired no female or minority directors in those years.
今年是圣迭戈州立大学(San Diego State University)第18年发布“电影最高值”报告(The Celluloid Ceiling)。该报告发布前一个月,美国导演协会(Directors Guild of America)公布了类似的惨淡数据,驳斥美国公民自由联盟(ACLU)认为该组织不够支持女性导演的指责。该协会发现,2013年和2014年,女性导演的比例为6.4%,这个数字所依据的是该协会集体谈判协议签署公司出品的正片。该协会还公布了哪些电影公司在那两年里没有雇佣女性导演或少数族裔导演。
“The Celluloid Ceiling” used data from all top-grossing films and included documentaries and animated features. “Pitch Perfect 2,” with Elizabeth Banks at the helm, was the highest-ranking film directed by a woman; with $184 million at the North American box office, it ranked No. 12 for the year, according to BoxOfficeMojo.com.
“电影最高值”报告所依据的是所有高票房电影的数据,包括纪录片和动画正片。伊丽莎白·班克斯(Elizabeth Banks)执导的《完美音调2》(Pitch Perfect 2)是女性执导的票房最高的电影。据BoxOfficeMojo.com的数据,该片的北美票房为1.84亿美元,在本年度票房排行榜上排名第12位。
In terms of behind-the-scenes female employment, researchers found women accounted for 26 percent of producers, 22 percent of editors, 20 percent of executive producers, 11 percent of writers and 6 percent of cinematographers in 2015. The report also delved into data drawn from the top 100 as well as the top 500 grossing films, and reiterated earlier findings that films with at least one female director led to higher numbers of women being employed behind the scenes.