In the late stage of his reign, Tang Xuanzong paid no attention to state affairs, so the government decayed, treacherous court officials were in power, and thus instigated the “An-and-Shi Rebellion” in 755.
An Lushan born of mixed Hu people in Yingzhou, because that he cruelly suppressed the Xi and Khitan people, he got Tang Xuanzong appreciation and was appointed the governor of Pinglu, Fanyang and Hedong.
An Lushan, engaged in national plunder wars for long, had been to Chang^n, the capital for many times. And by attending royal and official activities, he knew the corrupted and weak government like the palm of his hand, so he stored up the disloyalty of rising in revolt to overthrow the Tang Dynasty.
Shi Siming, An^ cohort, was also born of mixed Hu people.
He went to Chang’an to report to the throne,thus gained the favor of Xuan-zong who gave the name “Siming” to him.
Before An’s rebellion,Shi was official of Pinglu military forces.
In 755,by the name of “ sending armed forces to suppress Yang Guozhong on imperial’s secret order”,they rose in revolt in Fanyang. Leading 150 000 soldiers of Pinglu, Fanyang and Hedong, they started from Fan yang and moved towards south to attack the Tang Dynasty.
Tang Xuanzong who never called to mind that An Lushan would betray him made nothing in preparation.
The newly recruited soldiers were unable to keep out An,s powerful force, so An bridged Huanghe,defeated the Tang armies in succession, captured Chenliu(present Chenliu in Kaifeng Prefecture, Henan), Xingyang(present Xingyang, Henan), and Luoyang, till closed in on Tongguan Pass.
In 756, An Lushan kinged himself the Emperor of Great Yan.
Emperor Tang Daizong assembled military forces from all directions, and borrowed some armies from Huihu nationality. These military forces led by Li Shi (Daizong’s son) and Pugu Huai’en reoccupied Luoyang, Heyang,Zhengzhou, Bianzhou and other places.
In 763,the 7-year “An and Shi Rebellion” came to an end.
Henceforward, the Tang Dynasty began to decline.
Agriculture was seriously destroyed,then vassal states set up separatist regimes by force,eunuchs grabbed all the powers, parties contended for power and profits, the political situation of Tang was in great turmoil.
The economy also suffered heavy losses, most tillable fields were annexed, and the farmers were compelled to escape all around. All of these advent situation invited farmers’ revolts.
In 876,the farmers’ uprising led by Wang Xianzhi and Huang Chao broke out.
It was defeated in 884, however, the Tang Dynasty also collapsed out.
In 904, Zhu Wen moved the capital to Luoyang, and three years later, he disthroned Emperor Tang Aidi, established Post-Liang Dynasty, thus the Tang Dynasty came to an end.